Has it been FIVE MONTHS since my last project? Wow, this retirement stuff is not bad...
This Bonnie was in my collection for the longest of all the other bikes that I still have, got in in 1987; anyway, I sold it last December and I'm freshening it up for the owner. I hadn't started it since September of 2008! Back then, I cleaned the carbs and flushed it out, I think I might have ridden it a few times around the neighborhood, then ran the gas out of the carbs.
So, when I went to take the carbs apart to clean them, they were already clean!
Oh well, I cleaned them up even more (dusty on the outside, slides dry-sooted from sitting). One fresh gallon can of Berryman's Chem Dip left to warm up in the sun, 30 minutes each carb (disassembled) soaking, thorough rinse and blast dry with compressed air, then installed all new fiber washers, and put them back together.
Took the opportunity to knock the dust off everything under the tank...
This Bonnie was in my collection for the longest of all the other bikes that I still have, got in in 1987; anyway, I sold it last December and I'm freshening it up for the owner. I hadn't started it since September of 2008! Back then, I cleaned the carbs and flushed it out, I think I might have ridden it a few times around the neighborhood, then ran the gas out of the carbs.
So, when I went to take the carbs apart to clean them, they were already clean!
Oh well, I cleaned them up even more (dusty on the outside, slides dry-sooted from sitting). One fresh gallon can of Berryman's Chem Dip left to warm up in the sun, 30 minutes each carb (disassembled) soaking, thorough rinse and blast dry with compressed air, then installed all new fiber washers, and put them back together.
Took the opportunity to knock the dust off everything under the tank...