6 weeks not 1 ride !

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Tigers rule the wild !
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Supporting Member
its 6 weeks since the last time i rode the trident ! iv'e been so busy in work and the weathers been so crap .
the weather has been great when im in work :y2: but every time im off or think about riding, the weather is bad :y8:.
so i feel a bit like the fly that landed on the toilet seat.........P*SSED OFF !

i'll have to content my self with starting to do some of the jobs i want to do on the bike instead !
as theres no chance of riding now the snow is on the way !
It sucks not being able to ride. We go through the same kinda thing here with the weather, normally around November / December - solid rain for two weeks or so.

I did get out on my Tiger this weekend, in the rain, just to see how it handles in the wet.
Usual stuff, trying to lock the front up under heavy braking and getting it spinning out of corners. All good fun.
Took forever to clean it though. Aargh.

i do like to ride in the rain , but its the wind we've had ! its just to rough to ride in . but it has gone better today so fingers crossed for tonight.

and any way i need to stop :blabla:
I feel your pain.
We've been having lousy weather the past three weeks and I've only been out twice since I came home from my trip to Newfoundland.
With the season winding down (end of October for me) and the temps going down quite significantly day by day, I don't expect to get many more rides in this year.
Spring and early summer was very wet here so the riding season seemed shorter than usual.
I suppose here in SA we are quite lucky to be able to ride all year round. Apart perhaps for a couple of days in the winter.

Can't complain eh? You guys have snow to contend with.

its hard to think that these days the scotish and canadian weather are so similar yet we are thousands of miles apart !
i mean the snow we've had the last 2 or 3 years ,and tempritures you would think you were in canada .
and like you rocky i fear my season is over .
Rocky it seems like just the other day you pulled the bikes out for this season. I am finding it hard to believe that it is Oct already

It was late April when I rolled the bikes out, and now, suddenly it seems, it's October already:y20:
It's at this time of year I look back and think about the days I should have been out on the road. Too late to do anything about it now, but I don't have any real regrets. I did a lot of Sunday riding with my vintage bike club on the old bikes and I did get away for 10 day trip three weeks ago.
During the week some us retired guys got together and cruised the rural roads once in a while.
As each year passes more club members reach retirement age and next year will form a splinter group of old farts to ride during the week.
Many a warm sunny morning I rode down the coast on the T100 in the early morning by myself for breakfast. I would be home by noon and usually covered 130+ km's.
When I stop and think about it I did more riding that I thought I had so I have nothing to complain about.
yup ! another season over and nearly another year gone :y13: . this yaer has gone so fast i just cant get my head round it !
i can honestly say it feels like only last week i got the trident , it realy has been a short year .
yup ! another season over and nearly another year gone :y13: . this yaer has gone so fast i just cant get my head round it !
i can honestly say it feels like only last week i got the trident , it realy has been a short year .

I agree about the years appearing to be shorter. Even though I'm retired (almost 20 years now) and have plenty of time on my hands, the days and weeks still seem to fly by.
Of course I'm doing what I want when I want and seem to always be busy at something - and generally enjoying what I'm doing.
The chores, fix-ups, etc., that were a burden when I was working, are no longer that. In fact, when I'm doing routine maintenance around my properties, I'm correcting things that I did years ago in a hurry - just to get it done.
There is much truth in "time flies when you're having fun" :y2:

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