6 Nations - YAAY! Rugby's Back!

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Finally! Rugby season is back! 6 Nations always start the real rugby season. In a couple of weeks time, SA starts the Super Rugby tournament, then the 4 Nations.............

At last - something decent to watch on TV!!!! :y2:
YEAH!!!!! HUGE Rugby fan here :y2: Well for an American lol. I can't hardly find it on t.v. here.......sometimes BBC or ESPN show it, but rare.SAD

I like it better than football actually. The last 10 years have seen so many "rules" changes to sissify football its almost no fun anymore. It is a CONTACT sport people WILL get hurt, you go into it KNOWING this I see the need in the peewee and beginner leagues maybe even at high school level, but at the pro level (being paid MILLIONS) they need to let these guys HIT.

Rugby just seem a lot more.....well REAL.

O.K. stepping off my soapbox now.....didn't mean to "jack" the thread Gromit. RUGBY RULES!
Gromit, 2 things:

1) Rugby: My Golden Pussycats, oops, sorry, LIONS (Currie Cup Champions nogal!) should do better in the Super 15 this year. I bought my red & white Transvaal Rugby sunhat in '95 from a stall outside King's Park, Durban, ek sê.

2) You've been off the forum this weekend :y13:. Silli did his first race meeting and now you & farside have to find out where we've been posting!

Oh, and (3), SuperDave & I are currently entrenched in hijacking a thread! Funnily enough, it's a thread started by the very same DaveM, but we're now taking it to another level :y2: (away from the ice covered men from the far North). It was general about food, but we're schlentering it in to a South African context (with our normal due diligance amount of sub, sutt, subtlety). Kiff!
DaveB - being a born and bred KZN'er, I support the Sharks but living in Joburg for more than 25 years, I also support the Lions - still can't believe they won the Curry Cup!!! Looking forward to seeing what Meyer does with the Boks after his run with the Bulls.
I'm rarely on the forum over weekends but know Silli was racing - did OK too :y2: Don't know if you know The Kemerts (Penny & George aka Lioness & Greek God) but they are back from their meanderings through Southern Africa and Turkey etc and were at the Shop on Saturday - they've been away since August so it was a bit of a catch up. My annual visit to the Shop now done and dusted.
Farside rarely visits here but I'll hunt down the postings!
I'll go 'chip' on the schlentering hijack :y2:

Anyway, Scotland lost SAD but the man of the match is a South African. France won :y2: but against Italy so doesn't really count. Ireland lost SAD but was an excellent match to watch!
Keystiger - there've been a lot of changes to the rugby rules too but none that really take away from the game. I find that with US football, there are just too many stoppages which is a bit frustrating if you don't know all the rules.
Rugby tends to play on if the referee is on his game - ref's can ruin a rugby match no end.
The other thing is, besides gum-guards and occassionally a soft-head gear, there's no protective clothing - if you get tackled, you get hurt! It's a real, total full body contact sport!

Rugby, that's the new dish from Applebee's? Guess I should give it a go...

Just kidding. I too like to watch Rugby when someone screws up and schedules it for TV here in the US. A few years ago they aired a bunch of games and I got hooked, dang near figured out some of the rules too and then they took it off the air. I was ready to see it again and it never returned. Then we got a season or two of Austrailian Rules Football and I was really getting into that too but guess what... Yep they took it off the air right after they had me hooked on it. They keep this up and I might have to start watching hockey. Boy would AJ be ticked off, I start watching it and then they would remove it from the TV line up too.
Hemibee - if you ever come to SA, come in our winter and we'll take you to a few games - the stadium atmosphere is brilliant. And we'll explain the rules which are really very simple. A few years ago, there was a clash of the titans (Western Cape Stormers vs Blue Bulls) in Soweto. This was the first Rugby Major ever played in Soweto - soccer is the big game played in Soweto - it was absolutely brilliant! I'll find some of the photos and post just to show how mad S'Africans are about rugby.

It's a great game no matter where it's played. The 6 Nations are: England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France & Italy but we get all the matches on TV in SA! Then SA plays in the 4 Nations which are: South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and for the first time this year, Argentina. The 2 big tournaments are build ups to the Rugby World Cup but are played every year, not just 1 in 4 years.

If we don't go to the game, we normally get a bunch of people together at our house for a 'braai' (bbq), too many beers and watch the game together.

I'm just happy it's The Season again! Time to get the right colour 'jerseys' out!
Aaah Devo! Yes, black for the SHARKS!!!! But seriously, I LOVE watching the All Blacks play - it's never an international in the S Hemi if it's not the Boks vs All Blacks! If the Boks aren't playing but the All Blacks are, I support the AB's for sure - could simply not support anyone else. Just brilliant rugby to watch and the hakka......................... I'll record an AB just so that I can watch the hakka over and over - gives me chills every time I watch it!

On a different tack, my 'great nephew' lives in NZ and has been selected to play in the 'training' NZ cricket squad - very proud of him. He doesn't have citizenship yet so no black jersey..........................yet!
A few years ago, there was a clash of the titans (Western Cape Stormers vs Blue Bulls) in Soweto. This was the first Rugby Major ever played in Soweto - soccer is the big game played in Soweto - it was absolutely brilliant! I'll find some of the photos and post just to show how mad S'Africans are about rugby.

How could we ever forget?

This pic was taken at a shebeen in Soweto, May 2010.

No further words necessary!
Orlando Bulls Final.jpg
"Orlando" Bulls
Orlando Cows Final.jpg
Orlando Cows

Super 14 Final - Bulls v Stormers 2010 061 (41).jpg
Being bussed in!

Super 14 Final - Bulls v Stormers 2010 061 (44).jpg
Even the dreaded vuvuzelas made an appearance. At the rugby??

Super 14 Final - Bulls v Stormers 2010 061 (69).jpg

Super 14 Final - Bulls v Stormers 2010 061 (70).jpg

Super 14 Final - Bulls v Stormers 2010 061 (78).jpg

And this was the one and time in my entire life that I supported the Bulls - only because they were playing against the W Cape Stormers and I'd rather throw myself under a speeding train then support the Stormers!

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