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  • Have a great evening. I had to help my dad with some things earlier and I just got back.
    I think I will be closing down a bit early tonight, so I am off to watch TV now
    That will teach you, I always thought you guys kept goats to do that :y24: I won't be online much longer now either going to call it a day and go and watch a bit of TV I think
    You should have posted the BSOD on Win7 forum they have some very knowledgeable people looking at these thing you know BGRIN
    Very nicely done as well, you may want to just say what VM stands for in the thread as in VM (Visitors Message) as some can be a bit blond at times :y2:
    I did an import from our live smf site and it seemed to work but I still have some issue I need to sort out. Like our duplicate names and for some reason it does not like Rocky at all no import on his name. I am going to call it a day now, chat tomorrow
    I posted a link in the other thread about that other mod in that other forum area BGRIN
    I found a neat mod for notifications but it is time consuming to setup so I will put that on hold till a bit later when we are up and running
    I am now starting to get the hang of this thing. I see it also shows up when you do a What's New
    :y2: ha ha ha I actually hope that I do have it sorted by the time you are back online later
    :y2: I think we need to make up a bit of a thread on how this thing works as I did not know this lol. You are welcome to edit any of my thread you want if you see any mistakes like that. Oh and I notice that we don't get the edited by unless we put in a reason why we edited it in the edit option. It looks like the VB staff work UK time as nothing more seemed to happen after I went to bed as well. We will see what today brings for us
    Thanks for the rep but it has been worrying me stupid why it was not working lol
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