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  • I thought of banning that whole countries IP range that will teach that lot BGRIN
    I did not notice the red pip until this morning! Shows you how observant I am. I think I better go back and check anyone I have given rep to.
    I saw the little red pip when you first gave it to me but did not think about it until you mentioned I gave you neg reps and noticed it was also red in your profile BGRIN
    Have a great day and take lots of pic, nope that was just me testing the welcome message thing. Got it sorted out but the auto direct seems to have issues so I turned that off for now
    Thank you CarlS all i have right now is a picture of my 2010 Speedmaster sitting in Gengras Harley in East Hartford Ct. I have tricked it out with almost everything British Customs has including the EFI Bomber pipes with a Power Command. It is pouring rain here in CT and I'm itching to get on the bike. Probably would go out for a ride right now ! Thanxs again Dennis
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