Faulty Sensor 2013 T-Bird Storm

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I thought I would start a seperate post about the engine management fault on my 1700 Storm. I was riding a couple days ago and the bike started to miss a beat now and again, like the fuel shutoff to one cylinder. Not all the time, but it made for a bucking ride home. The 'check engine' light lit and when I was able to get the TuneECU up and running it was a Barometric Pressure Sensor on the screen, but in the parts catalog it's an airbox pressure sensor. I checked the service manual to see if there was a work around to get it running properly and the only option was "RENEW" so I have one now on order from Adept Power Sports. Should only take a couple minutes to replace, it's just under the seat and only 2 screws. Until it gets fixed looks like I'll be on one of my other bikes, and just when I was getting comfortable on this one, pity.
Sadly I didn't take any pics of the install because it was two torx bolts, seperate the sensor from the loom, install new sensor on loom, install with same two torx bolts. About 3 minutes in all. Took me longer to find some O-ring lube than it did the installation. Seems to have done the trick. I cleared the DTC error with TuneECU and it didn't come back after a short ride so looks like it's fixed. Next up a longer ride to ensure it's all the way good. Also the values shown on the TuneECU display were well above the previous readings (makes me think the sensor was bad......who'da thunk).

On another note the new rear tire I installed while waiting on the sensor's arrival is not the same dimension as the old one I took off. The one I took off had a 55% aspect ratio and the new one is a 50% (OEM spec size), so the back end is a little lower than before. That should make it turn even slower, BUT it's a LOT easier to get my fat leg over the seat, so bonus!!
Glad it was an easy fix and solved the bad running issue.
After it warms up this afternoon I'll get some tire scrub and motor testing done to make sure it's all good. Got rear brake pads on order because I found they were quite thin when I pulled the rear wheel off for tire replacement. THAT will be a winter project since the rear wheel has to be removed to replace the pads (otherwise it's a major headache per Youtube video). The fronts are a snap to change oddly enough (pull pin, remove spring and pads, install pads and spring, insert pin and done), but they had plenty of pad left so no worries.

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