Ash Tele, what are you riding now and, if nothing, what in the past? I’ve owned my ’09 Bonnie since new, recently bought a used ’11 T-Bird Storm and, yet am so very interested in at least riding the new 400, if not buying one. From what I -and likely you- have read it’s a fun, torquey lightweight bike, and it’s a Triumph! I was thinking of suggesting a Royal Enfield, as they’ve a great price point, but so does the Triumph.
While my ‘09 is in perfect working order with plenty of mods, it has over 120K miles on it, so these bikes can and do last. But 4K on a 14 year-old bike says it’s done a lot of sitting around; that’s an average of under 300 miles a year. But if the seller has both maintained and stored it well, it might not be as difficult to get up to snuff as Atomsplitter has described. On the other hand, as my old man told me more than once, buying a used vehicle is often buying someone else’s problems. So you need a detailed history on the used one, which oft times is hard to come by.
Bottom line: New, warrantied, and expected to be no lots of fun, I’d go for the 400. Now you’re left with only one V last decision; Scram or Street?