I have two carburetor-related questions. The second will be in the following post:
First - I was reading the shop manual together with the Amal carburetor tuning guide to anticipate getting the mixture right for my typical operating elevation range of 5,000 to 6,000 ft.
This is critical because the guide suggests that at my elevation I can expect up to a 20% loss of power if the engine's overly rich--that's a lot of power! And as much as a 30% loss at 9,000 ft., which is the elevation of my neighbors' cabin among the Ponderosa pines in the Jemez Mountains.
Also: I see that key to getting the mixture right is understanding that, from 1/4 to 3/4 slide opening (or throttle valve position), it's the degree of throttle valve cutaway that controls the mixture.
I bought the bike fitted with (brand new) Amal Mk I Concentric 900 Series 30mm carbs. They have the aluminum hard anodized slides, but when resolving the actuation of the throttle and choke cables, I did not know to look for the cutaway markings on the throttle valve(s). I see that they come in 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 cutaways.
When I get a moment, I'll pull the top on one of the carbs to see which came with the new set of carbs--but does anyone know where to look for the cutaway designation? I don't mind buying valves with cutaways one size smaller and larger than what I've got--especially as I'm anticipating installing Dunstall replicas at some point, and plan to do some over-the-road touring on this bike (especially if I can meet some vintage bike owners who might ride along as I pass through their states).
However, it would be helpful to me if anyone has experience tuning an internally stock Unit 650 in my altitude range, and might know which cutaway netted the ideal mixture.
First - I was reading the shop manual together with the Amal carburetor tuning guide to anticipate getting the mixture right for my typical operating elevation range of 5,000 to 6,000 ft.
This is critical because the guide suggests that at my elevation I can expect up to a 20% loss of power if the engine's overly rich--that's a lot of power! And as much as a 30% loss at 9,000 ft., which is the elevation of my neighbors' cabin among the Ponderosa pines in the Jemez Mountains.
Also: I see that key to getting the mixture right is understanding that, from 1/4 to 3/4 slide opening (or throttle valve position), it's the degree of throttle valve cutaway that controls the mixture.
I bought the bike fitted with (brand new) Amal Mk I Concentric 900 Series 30mm carbs. They have the aluminum hard anodized slides, but when resolving the actuation of the throttle and choke cables, I did not know to look for the cutaway markings on the throttle valve(s). I see that they come in 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 cutaways.
When I get a moment, I'll pull the top on one of the carbs to see which came with the new set of carbs--but does anyone know where to look for the cutaway designation? I don't mind buying valves with cutaways one size smaller and larger than what I've got--especially as I'm anticipating installing Dunstall replicas at some point, and plan to do some over-the-road touring on this bike (especially if I can meet some vintage bike owners who might ride along as I pass through their states).
However, it would be helpful to me if anyone has experience tuning an internally stock Unit 650 in my altitude range, and might know which cutaway netted the ideal mixture.