These are original silencers (71-4159) that came stock on my '78 Bonny. These came stock on many year models. They are often referred to as "cigar" silencers which are awfully quiet, and visually way too long, but have a very nice tone. I believe they are baffled because the tone has never changed.
Here is how I arrived with these "megaphone" mufflers: I cut the tapered end off the stock muffler right behind the weld (because one of them became irreparably damaged) and in doing so I discovered those four exit holes/short tubes that look like they were designed to look that way, and, nothing fell out of or became loose from the muffler as a result of the cut, so I grudgingly did the same to the other one. It was a daring operation. I did this way back in the mid eighties when spare parts were practically none existent and there was no internet to find replacements. The operation caused the mufflers to have a bit more robust sound but not loud at all (unlike peashooters or Dunstalls), yet the tone and performance was slightly improved over stock originals so I have kept them on the bike all these years. I have yet to see any others like them and (in my opinion) they look cool as all get out. I wonder if the import versions are true to the originals in construction because they are much less expensive than English made ones if one were to take a gamble and cut on them. I have since added English-made peashooters for Triumph and another set of stock originals to my collection so I have several nice options for tone and looks.
Wow, that's a wild idea, very creative. I just stuck my finger into mine and there are two holes in the final baffle plate instead of your four--and they're off to one side of the muffler. You lucked out with four, nicely spaced holes. It does look cool!
Well, my OEM mufflers are actually not in terrible shape; a few small dings but no rust or deep scratches. I think it's going to be the sound that'll make the decision for me. I was listening to the Lemon Drizzle Gang's video of a '70s Bonny with the Dunstall replicas, albeit repacked with upgraded material, and comparing that with The Mighty Garage 'shakedown cruise' video of a restored '71 Bonny with OEM mufflers... and the latter sounded like a sewing machine in comparison.