Parasitic Drain Question. Street Triple 675 2013

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Hi Everyone,

The bike recently had an issue the battery and a new one was fitted which seemed to remedy the non-starter issue.
However, after leaving it for a few days, the bike was flat. Also, the trickle charger that it was left on displays 0V & 0A when plugging it into the connector and the leads are connected to the battery. Bike starts ok though.
I unattached the earth lead and put a multimeter on the lead and the battery. This shows no leakage when the bike has been left standing overnight. If I start the bike and repeat the same disconnection immediately after it shows a drain of circa 4 mA.
Can anyone advise if the test should be completed after a a period of inactivity or following having started the bike and disconnecting the earth lead?
Please feel free to redirect this to others that may be of assistance.
Thank you

Your batt. should be charged up, and i don't think it matters if the engine has ran recently, just disconnect one of the cables from the batt. and put a meter between the cable and the batt. post. This is what i always do, you may change your leads around or use the other post, sometimes you can get a better reading swaping them around but you should be able to tell if you have a "leak". Another thing is to charge the batt. up full and let it sit over night unhooked from the bike or charger to make sure the batt. isn't fooling you....Good luck.
I would check your trickle charger connection. Mine was on charge for weeks but when I came to start the bike it was flat. The charger connectors hadn't been connecting properly. I use the Oxford oximiser and the connectors are a bit flimsy....
I would check your trickle charger connection. Mine was on charge for weeks but when I came to start the bike it was flat. The charger connectors hadn't been connecting properly. I use the Oxford oximiser and the connectors are a bit flimsy....
Many thanks

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