VIBRATION. Please Help!

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I need a savior. Welcoming any suggestions. Please and thank you.

Below i will make a list of all the things i have replaced to try to find this vibration.

2004 Speedmaster. 5k miles

In 3rd gear. Between 30 35 mph ish....I feel this odd deep vibration/ humbling. When i pull the clutch in, it drastically disappears. In 4th gear it is SOMEWHAT there but not as bad. Over all my bike now feels worse. I feel the road way more then i should, just a rough ride.
This vibration is very relatable to the noise you hear when youre driving on the highway and you start to drift onto the side of the road, onto the ribbed safety part that is supposed to wake you up/ alter you to pay attention.

If youre in anyway at all a mechanic this "vibration/ strong humbling" feels and sounds like a bad wheel bearing in a car when you turn the wheel and swerve back and forth you get that WUB WUB WUB WUB sound. I am a mechanic and i am not trying to say im the best, but what i will say is i do my maintenance, i do my research before and MAKE SURE i take my time.

Original tires. I decided to replace them. I wanted my tires balanced using a machine, so i look my bike to my local Triumph dealer to have them replaced. THIS WAS A MISTAKE. I should have just taken my wheels off and brought them to the shop.

AS SOON as I left the dealer I felt this vibration. I took it back within 15 mins and told them. The tech test drove it and confirmed. He rechecked the balance and chain tension....test drove.... Same issue. He determined that i had a bad sprocket bearing (wrong) At this point in my head i told myself i would never return here again. I went home checked my chain. Everything seemed good. I figured, well, in my automotive experience, it does feel like a wheel bearing and if its not...atleast ill have new bearings and i wont have to worry about them for awhile, parts dont cost that much and labor is free since ill be doing it. So I ordered new front, rear, and sprocket bearings. I also ordered a new front and rear sprocket and chain. ( If i was going to take off the rear wheel, figured might as well buy a upgraded rear sprocket, so i went up two teeth) After replacing, lubing, and torqueing these parts. I test drove. STILL same issue. Very annoyed, i rechecked everything. I bought a chain monkey tool to more accurately check my chain tension and a chain monkey laser to make sure my sprockets were aligned.....test drove.....Still same issue. Very puzzled....After reading online .I exchanged my tires for NEW and DIFFERENT BRAND tires. This time instead of metzlers I ordered Michelin commanders 3s and Michelin pilots for the front. THIS TIME. I took the wheels off and brought them to a trusted mechanic ( a good friends father) he replaced my tires, and sent a video of him balancing them. Installed my wheels...again checking chain tension, alignment, and torqueing to spec. STILL SAME ISSUE.

I have run out of options. The bike ran perfect before replacing 1st set of tires. I figured it has to be 1 of the things he touched. I started from the least expensive and worked my way up to exchanging the hopefully defective tires. no luck.

If anyone has any ideas at all. please help lol. This site is full of great mechanics and i find myself often reading what you guys post even on issues that dont apply to me.
Thanks again in advance.

-Front and rear sprockets and chain
-Front, rear, and sprocket bearings
-Front and rear brake pads
-Front and rear tires (twice)
-Speedo drive/sensor lubed.
-Cush drive, Small amount of play, nothing crazy, read people have replaced with new and still have small amount of play.
-Front and rear rims checked for damage/bent. Unlikely they were damaged inside a shop
It could be wear and tear in the clutch basket .... centre bearing , bush or wear on the basket its self , and it could also be front sprocket shaft bearing or worn 3rd gear ?
It could be wear and tear in the clutch basket .... centre bearing , bush or wear on the basket its self , and it could also be front sprocket shaft bearing or worn 3rd gear ?
Thanks for the input. I'll see what investigating I can do.

The odd part is that the bike ran 100% fine before I got the 1st set of tires replaced. Just seems so strange. Bike is perfect. I get tires done. And then as soon as I drive it off the lot. Boom. My issue starts.

I'm trying to concentrate on "what the hell did they touch" parts. But still very open to suggestions.

Thanks again for the input.
That's what I was beginning to think. It seems odd that all was well until you changed tires.
I have checked balanc and even gone as far as replacing the NEW tires.

As I mentioned in my opening rant lol
Or maybe I wasn't clear. But yes. After changing chain, sprockets, and bearings. I replaced the new tires for new tires, this time a different brand.

Still....same problem.

Very annoying lol
There's a thread on here about a fellow who had a bad idler boss failure. Seems to be a problem with some earlier Speedmasters. Maybe you can read up on it to see if the symptoms match yours.
Could be just a coincidence that it may have failed when you had the tires replaced. Can pull the clutch cover to confirm and maybe check the basket and plates like shanered6 suggested to rule that out.
This thread; 05 Speedy catastrophic motor failure
There's a thread on here about a fellow who had a bad idler boss failure. Seems to be a problem with some earlier Speedmasters. Maybe you can read up on it to see if the symptoms match yours.
Could be just a coincidence that it may have failed when you had the tires replaced. Can pull the clutch cover to confirm and maybe check the basket and plates like shanered6 suggested to rule that out.
This thread; 05 Speedy catastrophic motor failure
Thanks for your time.

Ill check into this.
Thanks for your time.

Ill check into this.
It seems its connected with something this guy did changing your frustrating.....I do all my own work inc tyres.

Its hard to trust anybody these days.....first service I found an excuse to change my own oil and filter....less for them to balls up.

Be hard to know what he could have done....

I would have both wheels off and check everything connected with them very wheel alignment.....wheel spacers make sure he has not mixed them up.

But I would be worried he did not very much over tighten the drive chain.....then if he did you rode it a lot....this would put a huge strain on the bearings on the gearbox output shaft as wheel as the rear wheel bearing....did you check the chain when you picked up the bike?

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