Dealers what can you say?

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I had to buy a left hand side cover for my Bobber. Due to a taking it into the shop, to have a new key made. They swear up and down , that they didn't damage it, by taking it off, while trying to get that new key computerised. Then on top of that, they wanted to charge me 255 bucks, for another side cover. I told them that I could live with it, as long as it didn't come off while I was riding. They swore that it was ok and that It wouldn't come off. I was not going to pay 250 bucks for a plastic side cover. So I went on ebay and did some looking around? Then right their, was the side cover that I needed, but it's for a 2018 Speedmaster, same bike. Except mine is a Bobber. But the main thing is, that it will work and I got it for fifty bucks, along with free shipping. I called my dealership and they said that it wouldn't work. But, I also called a couple of other Triumph dealerships and they said they are both 2018 bikes and the side covers will work, because it's the same bike, but without the passenger seat and pegs. The only difference, is my side cover says Bobber and the one that I just bought off of ebay, says Speedmaster. I have a buddy that paints motorcycle gas tanks. When I get it, I'll get a Bobber decal, then have him sand it down, repaint it, then put the bobber decal on it, then hit it with some clear coat, wait a week, for it to dry and then, I'm good to go. My other one, that the dealer said that, they didn't screw up, is working just fine. But if something is broken on my bike, I want it replaced and fixed. I paid a lot of money for that bike and I want it 100% right and looking good. I've never done anything halfway in my life. I had to replace a clutch cover, that cost me forty bucks today. Which, I also found on eBay for much cheaper too. But the same guy at the dealership , that was trying to sell me the whole left side case. Because, I had a little knick on the case from that same incident from some kid dropping his bicycle and it hitting my motorcycle which caused that little dent and also that dent in the clutch cover. I chewed that kid out really good for that little stupidity of his, that cost me forty bucks, along with a little dent on my case., that I didn't need. But, it's so small that it really doesn't matter. But that dealership dude, that was trying to sell me that whole left side case. I swear, I think that he was slavating.
I look back at the whole thing now, much wiser now, about the whole thing and how quit funny it was. But, at the same time, if I was a new rider and didn't know how these guys opperrate. I would have been really upset. But I hardly ever go to the dealerships anymore, now that I have some metric tools. I still need to find a good repair and parts manuals. But I will find them. Then, I will hardly ever see those guys. If I can rebuild a Harley? After I study the manuals real good, then I should be able to do pretty much anything, that needs to be done to the bike. Including a rebuild when that time hits. But, I really like this bike so much, I don't ever see me ever getting rid of it. Just rebuilding it in the future, when that time comes around. Once I read up on how the bike is put together and I understand, what they've done to make the bike, such a wonderful motorcycle. Then, I'll be able to take care of pretty much everything. myself. I still need to get my hands on one of those maintenance keys, though, to turn off the maintenance light, when it comes on. Then I'll be set. That's it for me this year. Everyone have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Years.
It is always wise to shop around as the dealers will try and take you for as much as they can. The service level on anything these days really is bad, no one seem to take pride in what they do. As you said you paid a lot of money for the bike and you want it right.

At time I feel one needs to make a full length movie on the condition of you vehicle before taking it to any of these guys.

If you have rebuilt bikes before then you just fall into being able to work on the Triumph as most of them are very straight forward and normally easy to work on.
You are right on with your complaints about Triumph dealers. Buying parts is a PIA. Maybe that's why they have closed so many in last few years. I live in Metro Detroit, something like 4 million+ people= 1 Triumph dealer on far, far, N.E edge of sprawl. Next one is hour and a half NW in Brighton. After that, Grand Rapids, clear across the State, or Battle Creek, halfway to Chicago. And none of 'em have zippo in stock in the way of triple parts! Gotta internet order everything, just like Moto Guzzi or Aprilia. Even simple routine service parts like filters. Hell, Royal Enfield parts are easier to get around here than Triumph!
It is always wise to shop around as the dealers will try and take you for as much as they can. The service level on anything these days really is bad, no one seem to take pride in what they do. As you said you paid a lot of money for the bike and you want it right.

At time I feel one needs to make a full length movie on the condition of you vehicle before taking it to any of these guys.

If you have rebuilt bikes before then you just fall into being able to work on the Triumph as most of them are very straight forward and normally easy to work on.
I agree.
Actually that part cost 250.00 from Triumph, then add the dealers mark up on top of that ? I blame Triumph, for being a little too greedy. That part should only have cost 60.00 at the most. All it is made out of, is plastic, also that Bobber label, didn't cost them an arm and a leg either. They buy them in bulk. The same goes for the painting too. They paint a bunch of them at once. So, where do they get off, by overcharging their loyal customers? It's just unreal how greedy, they can get. I will say this though, Indian does treat their customers a lot better, than Triumph does. One other thing I got to complain about also, that dealer said he had to order it from England. I called this other Triumph dealer just to ask him, if he had one in stock { this was before, I bought the one on eBay } the guy said no. But, they have them in stock in their Georgia warehouse and if I wanted one they could order it from their Georgia warehouse. I was nice and said no that I would try to find one myself. But thank you anyway. Then, I went on eBay and found what I needed, for a decent price. I just don't get it or I'm just getting old, I guess.
My 17 Thruxton R needed a complete wiring harness under warranty! While it took the dealer a month to fix it, they did a fine job to include aligning the fairing better as I requested. Now my 19 Tiger XRT has a "fog light malfunction" and wrench symbol on. We will see if the dealer comes through on this one. A thought, none of my 4 Japanese bikes ever needed warranty work.
My 17 Thruxton R needed a complete wiring harness under warranty! While it took the dealer a month to fix it, they did a fine job to include aligning the fairing better as I requested. Now my 19 Tiger XRT has a "fog light malfunction" and wrench symbol on. We will see if the dealer comes through on this one. A thought, none of my 4 Japanese bikes ever needed warranty work.
It's just another way for them to make money. off of use. Triumph is just getting a little too greedy, for their own good. I love my Triumph Bobber and I would never get rid of it. But sometimes, I wonder if the Indian Scout Bobber might not have been the better choice. Only because, Indian does take very good care of their customers and that their customer service is really great, also. None of this, we have to order your parts from England, nonsense. When, the part is probably in their big warehouse somewhere in the USA. What, I've come to learn about Triumph. Is just by looking for some parts { like that side cover }. Their parts are really overpriced and the right hand doesn't seem to know, what the left hand is doing. But they do make a great motorcycles though, their fast, nimble, reliable and can really get up and move. Plus, I like the styling too, along with the radiator and all the safety features. Plus, I really love the ride. It's very a comfortable ride. Especially, up in the lower foothills and it handles curvus like nothing. I love my Triumph Bobber a lot. I just don't like the greediness of Triumph though. There's enough of that, in the world already, without the need for anymore. Just IMO. Also, I'll find a key that will turn that maintenance wrench light off and reset it. if it's a key then I'll make one by asking them to let me see what it looks like, have some parafen with me and have my buddy, keep him busy, why I'll make a casting of that key that way. If it's another type of devise, I'll find it and how to make it. I have a buddy who does tool and die for a living and have him make it for me. Because, I have a feeling, that the dealer is going to try and charge me more than they should, to turn it off.
I know what you are saying. Having been self-employed myself, I can attest to the fact that owning a business is no cake-walk. There is a LOT of overhead that customers don't know about. I agree that saying 'the part has to come from the UK' is questionable. Probably a pre=programmed answer they are obliged to give? And you know they don't sell even just 'one' new scooter every single day. So somebody has to pay for the lights, heat, insurance and so on that happens 'every day'.
I also love the Triumph brand having been riding them since 1972. Today's Triumphs are soooo much better than what they used to be. I appreciate the fact that they are being made again. I have learned that if you recognize something as valuable enough that you would want it to continue to be around, you have to patronize it as much as you can. A 'feedback' process would be great, where the dealers could get some of our thoughts into their mindset. Anyway, glad things worked-out for you. Try to be an optimist. Keep enjoying your trumpet, I certainly am !
I know what you are saying. Having been self-employed myself, I can attest to the fact that owning a business is no cake-walk. There is a LOT of overhead that customers don't know about. I agree that saying 'the part has to come from the UK' is questionable. Probably a pre=programmed answer they are obliged to give? And you know they don't sell even just 'one' new scooter every single day. So somebody has to pay for the lights, heat, insurance and so on that happens 'every day'.
I also love the Triumph brand having been riding them since 1972. Today's Triumphs are soooo much better than what they used to be. I appreciate the fact that they are being made again. I have learned that if you recognize something as valuable enough that you would want it to continue to be around, you have to patronize it as much as you can. A 'feedback' process would be great, where the dealers could get some of our thoughts into their mindset. Anyway, glad things worked-out for you. Try to be an optimist. Keep enjoying your trumpet, I certainly am !
I''l never get rid of it. I just plain love my Triumph Bobber and everything about it. When, I went down to San Jose, CA. To test drive it. I was originally going to test ride and buy an Indian Scout Bobber. But, I have a really messed up back. So after riding both and an HD Bobber. The Triumph Bobber won out on comfortably, along the whole riding experience and then I did some research on the new Triumphs. Because the first last Triumph that I ever owned, was a was a 1968 Triumph Bonneville and after that experience. I swore, that I'd never own another Triumph again. But, after reading up on the reviews on the new Triumphs and how they went out of business in 1970 or 71. Then a guy named John Bloor bought the company, built a new plant and has now created one of the best motorcycles on the road. No more leaking oil all over the place, no more Amal carbs and best of all, no more Lucas electrical systems. This bike is built very solid. That's why I love my bike so much. It's funner that heck to ride and with the increase of power to 1200 cc's, it handles like a dream. But, I'll still say this though about Indian. They do have better customer service, though, than Triumph does. But IMO, Triumph is the better riding bike. I love everything about my Bobber. That's why, I'll never sell her.
Maybe it's those high wages they pay to their workers in Thailand? (Yes, we too, own a small business here in Detroit area, well understand need to make a profit) I've owned Meriden and Hinckley Triumphs, Nortons, BMW, Moto Guzzi, Hon/Yam/Kaw/Suz, a big handful of H-Ds and an Aprilia. Problems=availability> old Japan= hard to find. BMW=$$$$$$$, Moto Guzzi= forget it, Aprilia= zero, none, don't bother, H-D, Norton and Meriden Triumph= plentiful, name your price and used/take-off H-D parts super cheap!, Hinckley Triumph= $$$$$$$, NONE in stock, NLA, "Why don't you just buy a NEW bike, dude"
I'll keep my 'hot rodded '96 Thunderbird tripleuntil i'm too old to ride it
Maybe it's those high wages they pay to their workers in Thailand? (Yes, we too, own a small business here in Detroit area, well understand need to make a profit) I've owned Meriden and Hinckley Triumphs, Nortons, BMW, Moto Guzzi, Hon/Yam/Kaw/Suz, a big handful of H-Ds and an Aprilia. Problems=availability> old Japan= hard to find. BMW=$$$$$$$, Moto Guzzi= forget it, Aprilia= zero, none, don't bother, H-D, Norton and Meriden Triumph= plentiful, name your price and used/take-off H-D parts super cheap!, Hinckley Triumph= $$$$$$$, NONE in stock, NLA, "Why don't you just buy a NEW bike, dude"
I'll keep my 'hot rodded '96 Thunderbird tripleuntil i'm too old to ride it
You have not read any of my post have you? I bought a new 2018 Bobber back in the summer of 2018. That I just bought, a new side cover for 50.00, bucks, instead of paying 250.00 that Triumph was asking. Why should I buy another bike? I'm happy with my 2018 Bobber and if I wanted something bigger, I'd buy that Black Indian Chef. I found this side cover on my ebay garage for a great price and bought it. I really don't know where your even coming from pal, with that comment? But, I got the part that I needed and only had to pay fifty bucks for it. Now that I have it, I don't even have to paint it either. I can take the decal right off with some lanlane and replace it with a Bobber sticker real easy. This has been a good learning experience. I now have a garage set up on ebay where my bike parts like this show up with the prices that are cheap. Plus, they're OEM parts too. I don't need any dealers, unless it's for something special. I would like to pick up and I will too. One of those small hand held computers that reads the codes on the bike and will tell me what I need to do to fix the code, along with key to turn off the maintenance light when I repair the problem. But since my bike is now two years older, I'll be able to find them a lot easier on places like eBay and so on now.
Snakesfield, think dearborn was referring to what the dealer said to him, suggesting that he buy a new bike, not you. He is very happy with his older(Hinckley) Triumph and wants to ride it 'til the end, just like you and your Bobber.
Snakesfield, think dearborn was referring to what the dealer said to him, suggesting that he buy a new bike, not you. He is very happy with his older(Hinckley) Triumph and wants to ride it 'til the end, just like you and your Bobber.
Cool. My mistake. Sorry about the assumption.
Check this out. and the price too. Plus, it's OEM parts from Triumph too, on eBay. This is why I try and stay away from those dealerships and set up a Garage on eBay so that I get first shot at looking at this stuff before it goes on auction.
You viewed at $149.00. It’s now $119.00!
$119.00 $149.00
For a limited time
Only 1 left at this reduced price.
Snakesfield: Can you offer some insights into 'set up a Garage on eBay" ? That sounds like something I should do also! [email protected]
It's real easy. Sign into eBay and go to the section on the eBay browser and you'll see motors. Clink on that and My Garage will come up. It's pretty easy to get setup and eBay will walk you through it. Then once you get it set up, you'll start getting notices, from eBay. About the parts that you need for your bike, that you're either looking for, or you can sell off something, that you don't need anymore. That somebody else might need. Then, sell it at a decent, fair price or trade it, for something that you need. I found a set of OEM forward controls both sides for only 129.00. That I'm going to buy next. That side cover that I bought, looks brand new and it came rather fast also.
Right. If you buy something and like it, why not maintain it, updating if necessary, and keep it. The "throw away" consumerist mentality leads to ever more short lifespan products. Think "Harbor Freight" tools= good for a few uses, then throw away for a new one. Granted, any producer needs sales to stay alive, but consider this; I have 5 Norton Commandos. They went out of business in 1977/78. BUT.... parts availability is better NOW than it was in their prime! And MUCH better quality. Same with Meriden Triumph, (to a lesser degree). Because people are still riding them! I don't want a plastic motorcycle, (or car, for that matter) that will end up in the trash in a few years because simple replacement/service parts are NLA. Protest if you will, but that is one reason H-D fans are so loyal- parts availability. Buy one-you'll pay $$$$, but you can ride it for decades because you can get what you need to keep it running. 50 year old Shovelhead? No problem! I hope the current Triumph products DO have a long service life, but the dealers don't give a damn about that, (parts/service), they just want you to buy a new one so they make a quick buck now. Like buying a Japan bike= in a year it's passe, there are ZERO parts available and most Japan bike dealers won't even work on 'em if they are more than 5 years old. "Just buy a new one" they say. (I know because I've worked in a bunch of them)

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