I have oil pressure problems with my T Bird. It has traveled 71000 Km, with no engine problems or rattles BUT.
I was out on the bike on a 20 degree day. After about 50 Km had to slow down through a town and the oil light came on. Checked oil ect that was OK. No rattles or knocks so thought must be the switch and carried on my way.
Every time I stopped and the bike idled the light came on?
Took it to a Dealer they checked it out and said all OK. A couple day's later it came on again so I replaced the switch. Still the same.
I have now checked my oil pressure with a Gauge at the oil switch port.
Found that when I first start the engine the oil pressure on idle and at 1500 RPM is all good. The hotter the engine got the pressure dropped till the engine was at running temp and the cooling fan is cycling the pressure dropped to 0 to 3 psi "no wonder the oil light came on" Bring the motor up to around 900 to 1000 RPM and it registers around 5 psi. "to low yes"
I have removed the oil pump and it is well within the specs. "so no problem there"
Has anyone suffered with this problem or have any explanations as why? I have changed my oil to 15/50 synthetic still have the problem.
I do not ride at excessive speed or ride at high RPM in other words I don't thrash the life out of it. It's regualy serviced.
I look after my bike even though it has done that many Kilometers it looks like it has just rolled out of the show room.
I have contacted Triumph but you know what they said "----------------------------------------------------------------------" That's it sweet FA? ÖH I got a case No but that is it.
I suppose that will keep me happy for a while "yeah right".
Thanks for reading my post "Ride on and stay young"
I was out on the bike on a 20 degree day. After about 50 Km had to slow down through a town and the oil light came on. Checked oil ect that was OK. No rattles or knocks so thought must be the switch and carried on my way.
Every time I stopped and the bike idled the light came on?
Took it to a Dealer they checked it out and said all OK. A couple day's later it came on again so I replaced the switch. Still the same.
I have now checked my oil pressure with a Gauge at the oil switch port.
Found that when I first start the engine the oil pressure on idle and at 1500 RPM is all good. The hotter the engine got the pressure dropped till the engine was at running temp and the cooling fan is cycling the pressure dropped to 0 to 3 psi "no wonder the oil light came on" Bring the motor up to around 900 to 1000 RPM and it registers around 5 psi. "to low yes"
I have removed the oil pump and it is well within the specs. "so no problem there"
Has anyone suffered with this problem or have any explanations as why? I have changed my oil to 15/50 synthetic still have the problem.
I do not ride at excessive speed or ride at high RPM in other words I don't thrash the life out of it. It's regualy serviced.
I look after my bike even though it has done that many Kilometers it looks like it has just rolled out of the show room.
I have contacted Triumph but you know what they said "----------------------------------------------------------------------" That's it sweet FA? ÖH I got a case No but that is it.
I suppose that will keep me happy for a while "yeah right".
Thanks for reading my post "Ride on and stay young"