1999 Tiger 900

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Well I'm kinda new to forums, never been on one before, but eager to get some help and maybe give some assistance as well. I have a 2 triumphs, 1958 twn and just purchased a 1999 tiger 900 or its a 885, I'm not sure, haven't even picked it up yet, doing that next week! Bike is in good shape, 40k miles with no of road use on it. That will change when I get it for sure, I'm a former mx racer and now looking to explore more of adventure /dualsport riding. The 1st thing I want to do is a full service on bike, and get suspension set up for me, can anyone point me in direction for getting a service manual? I see then for sale on ebay for $40 and would rather not buy one that I will use very minimally after I change fluids. Bike also came with a 7gal fuel tank and hard cases, which is great since I will use bike as a commuter to and from work often. But would like to add some armor and and a few other items to personalize it for me, what is a good site for aftermarket parts?
It never hurts to have a manual. You never know when you might need it.
You could look for a Haynes manual for your specific bike, but it probably isn't much cheaper than what you have already found.

Oh, and by the way, welcome to TT BBEER
Thanks everyone, look forward to posting as I mod bike for myself. I am definitely going to get suspension dialed in for my weight and riding style, then work on good lights and crash bars. I will be definitely testing the tigers off road capabilities! !
Welcome to TT from Southeast Texas.

I have an aftermarket manual for your bike. Let me know what you want and I'll see about getting a copy of the requested information. Now I must add the disclaimer. . . I'll have to find the manual but I KNOW I have it somewhere.
Welcome to TT from Southeast Texas.

I have an aftermarket manual for your bike. Let me know what you want and I'll see about getting a copy of the requested information. Now I must add the disclaimer. . . I'll have to find the manual but I KNOW I have it somewhere.

That would be great, anything would be a big help... I see ur in south texas, I'm in dallas this week and next week in Amarillo. I love texas, but the heat kills me!! Thanks for reply and help if u can locate manual, no rush either I don't plan on getting bike on road till mid Nov.
I'll see what I can find.

The heat in Texas is no problem, it's the hard winters that gives me trouble. I just don't know how anyone can survive with the extreme cold temps, like they have way up north around Dallas.
"extreme cold temps"..........."north around Dallas"............................ROTFL :y43:
This picture of my driveway is probably what you meant by "extreme" :y23: WINK WINK

Better you than me.
That was the winter of 2014/15.
Right now we're enjoying beautiful Indian Summer riding - and hoping that winter 2016/17 isn't anything like the picture.
This past summer was the warmest on record with higher than normal temps and humidity that lasted for weeks.
Very uncomfortable for us with Eskimo blood BGRIN
Well I'm kinda new to forums, never been on one before, but eager to get some help and maybe give some assistance as well. I have a 2 triumphs, 1958 twn and just purchased a 1999 tiger 900 or its a 885, I'm not sure, haven't even picked it up yet, doing that next week!

:five: Welcome, Bob, from the SF Bay area.

I've had my eye on a 1999 Tiger 885i (900) here in the Bay Area. The Craigslist listing shows that the bike is yellow, and what little research I've done Tigers of this vintage seems to show all yellow bikes. :y49: I am concerned they may not come in any other color. What color is your Tiger?
I believe there is 3-4 colors. I know of white, black yellow and I think grey. Mine is white, with black front fender. I believe front fender is a aftermarket one tho.

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