Well I'm kinda new to forums, never been on one before, but eager to get some help and maybe give some assistance as well. I have a 2 triumphs, 1958 twn and just purchased a 1999 tiger 900 or its a 885, I'm not sure, haven't even picked it up yet, doing that next week! Bike is in good shape, 40k miles with no of road use on it. That will change when I get it for sure, I'm a former mx racer and now looking to explore more of adventure /dualsport riding. The 1st thing I want to do is a full service on bike, and get suspension set up for me, can anyone point me in direction for getting a service manual? I see then for sale on ebay for $40 and would rather not buy one that I will use very minimally after I change fluids. Bike also came with a 7gal fuel tank and hard cases, which is great since I will use bike as a commuter to and from work often. But would like to add some armor and and a few other items to personalize it for me, what is a good site for aftermarket parts?