The Beast

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After reading some concerns about the Triumph Explorer, I think it’s with some relieve that I traded-in my Explorer for a new Triumph Scrambler 2014.

Although I loved the power of the Explorer, I found with its weight that the bike was a little unpredictable at slow speeds. It’s not the best bike to use going down Beyers Naude Drive (Johannesburg) in rush hour traffic. When you drop below 40kph, weaving between stationary traffic you get what I can only describe as a “slow speed wobble”. This is usually followed by a great gnashing of teeth that is only resolved by either coming to a stop or by having an accident (which is the same thing).

On the highway, the Explorer is great bike, excellent speed, loads of power….and fun (GS1200 riders always behind me)! In slow traffic I just found it to be a difficult beast, I’m 6.3ft tall, weight 114 kg and I did not feel confident on this bike. I will challenge anyone on a Triumph Explorer to do the standstill test and see who puts their foot down first. On my Scrambler, when I come to a stop at a traffic light, I generally don’t have to take my foot off the peg, the bike just balances by itself. On the big explorer, my left foot comes down ready on approach to a traffic light, I get an update from the weather department and consult with my ex mother-law before coming to a standstill! Even after doing all this you don’t come to a standstill graciously. It’s awkward to stop the beast (ask any rugby fan).

Apart from that, I did not have any mechanical issues or unusual engine noise. I rode my Explorer from new to 4000km. Due to its unpredictable nature at slow speeds, I did not really connect with the bike and only used it to avoid traffic and occasionally embarrass BMW riders (what’s that blue & white propeller for).

I’m very happy with my new Scrambler. I think it’s all about getting grey hair and still trying to look cool.
I think you are a very wise man.
Riding a bike is supposed to be about pure pleasure - not anxiety.
Oddly enough, it's at slow speeds where we often get into trouble rather than ripping along a highway.
If there is any anxiety or lack of confidence we often over compensate and get ourselves into trouble.
Movements and actions on a motorcycle should be natural without any or much thought about it.
With experience, it should be second nature and you just do it.
The Explorer obviously wasn't the bike for you and the Scrambler is.
I ride a Bonneville and find the same thing about slow speed balance. I love riding it.

As for the "cool" factor, the Scrambler has it all and you will definitely look cooler on it TUP
Enjoy and be safe.
Got any pics of the Scrambler??? Those are really cool, when I win the lottery I will posses one ;)
I sure with all the minds possessing your body Keys .......that you could spare one to posses a bike !........I just feel sorry for the owner with one of your spirits possessing his bike it will never do what he wants it too .:y21:
Got any pics of the Scrambler??? Those are really cool, when I win the lottery I will posses one ;)
Thanks keystiger, pic attached. Also pic of the beast


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