T100r front wheel question

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I just bought a new front wheel mostly because my front rim was painted grey by the previous owner and I wanted the chrome back. I probably wouldn't have bought it before I ask the next question i am going to ask but it was ending on ebay and it is in nice condition and I figure I could sell it again with little risk of losing a lot of cash for the price I paid.

This wheel is from a 69-70 bonneville and it looks Identical to my 67 Daytona front wheel beside the position of the brake actuator due to where the brake cable mounts. The rim is the same part number 37-1230 but will the brake drum from the 67 Daytona fit without any issues or do I have to use the Bonneville drum. It seems like the Bonneville cable is mounted at a better angle but I would like to keep the daytona parts if possible.

69-70 Bonnevile Wheel

My Daytona wheel
triumph fR.jpg
triumph left.jpg
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Keep the brake you already have. Have it laced to a replacement rim.

The brake you bought is a '68 only, NOT 69/70, and not as good as the one you already have.

By the way, the brake you have is a 69/70 spec, as evidenced by the angled bellcrank arm.
So i just can't swap the brake assembly between wheels, aren't the hubs the same?

I had an extra picture of a wheel that wasn't mine, i deleted in my original post.
These are purely my "non-expert" views.
If the picture you showed is your actual Daytona front wheel then it's not a '67 front wheel and drum anyway. It's from a '69 or '70 and the wheel you bought is from a 1968 - probably a Bonneville.
If the part number on both rims are identical then they are exactly the same and you should have no problem whatever lacing up your drum to the new rim. The fact that the new rim is from a "Bonneville" doesn't mean a thing.
From my references, except for 18" or 19" front rims (depending on the model), the rims were identical between the 500 and 650 from 1959 to 1970. Starting in 1968, the size of the front brake/hub on the T100R Daytona model was increased from 7" to 8". The standard models kept the 7" brake.
As always, I stand to be corrected by those more expert than I, but I'm quite certain I'm right.
If I'm wrong, then blame it on J.R. Nelson who wrote the books "Bonnie, the development history of the Triumph Bonneville" and "Triumph, Tiger100/Daytona" :y2: :y15:
I really didn't want to re-lace either rim, I kind of thought I could make a frankenstien.
I was intending to just swap brake shoe assembly leaving the wheels/spokes/brake hubs intact, aren't they interchangeable?
this picture is just for reference not the real part
The first question is, are the two drums the same diameter?

Things get changed about over the years, this isn't a standard bike, you aren't chasing originality so comments from looking at books probably won't help you much.

Back in 70 I had a 69 650 and purchased a wrecked Daytona to fix up and sell on. I was surprised at how different they were to each other.
Thanks for information everybody, it is hard to find information on a 67 daytona it seems the majority of details I find begin with the 1968 model for some reason.

I don't mind having the 8" TLS it looks like right on the bike to me but it seems the original 7" TLS is hard to come by. However, I would like to have the original part and will buy one someday even if I don't put it on the bike. There must have been some problem (maybe the grey paint)with the front wheel that the pervious owner switched out a Bonnie wheel. He had a bonneville too but I wasn't aware of the issue at the time so I didn't notice if he had the daytona wheel on it when I bought this bike.

The wheel should arrive in a couple days and I will see how things go when it gets here.
The things to look for are firstly drum diameter and then cable direction, the 68 came off the plate to the rear, the 69 & 70 pulled upward and therefore have shorter cables.
I have a Triumph factory "Parts Manager's Index" book which is a cross-reference of all the parts for the 650, 500 and 350, but it's for 1970 only.
The 1970 Daytona brake drum is part # W1722 (37-1722) and the brake shoe backing plate is part # W3461 (37-3461).
Both parts are listed for the 650 models and the 500 Daytona as I thought they would be.
Since you are dealing with parts later than 1967 I think you will find they will interchange.
Let us know what you find.
Yes, take your 69/70 brake plate, and instll it on the '68 wheel with better chrome.

That will work.

Re-sell the '68 spec brake on the painted rim to recoup some of your cost.

Sounds like a good plan, I will post an update when the wheel arrives in the mail.
I finally made the switch, I put the brake from the 69-70 TLS grey rimed wheel in the 68 chrome wheel's drum.
The chrome rim looks much better than the grey rim.
New Front Chrome 68 Wheel
2013-03-02 10.21.22.jpg2013-03-02 10.22.24.jpg

Old 69-70 Grey front wheel
2013-01-10 12.37.58.jpg
The colors are from 2 different bikes; I am color blind but the guy who painted it said the silver was stock triumph but the green(what i think is green) is OE BMW paint, not sure which year/model.

Now that the wheel is complete, I have to change out the front engine mount, someone drilled a hole in the center for some reason. If you look close you can see it in the picture with the grey rim. It sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

2013-01-10 12.37.58.jpg

I found the left and right plate on ebay but I will have to refinish them when it gets warmer if I win the auction.
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