My T100 gets some TLC

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Rocky. How many miles or klms had your T100 travelled before the rocker seals gave up the ghost.
re your workshop, I will mention your note system to a mate of mine, who has a nice workshop but suffering the same aging problem. Cheers
Rocky. How many miles or klms had your T100 travelled before the rocker seals gave up the ghost.
re your workshop, I will mention your note system to a mate of mine, who has a nice workshop but suffering the same aging problem. Cheers
I don't really know how long it's been - probably 3-4 years and a couple of thousand or more miles. The gaskets I used softened and caused the leaks. The new ones are Kevlar based and should be good.
I was mostly kidding about my memory not being what it used to be. I have four bikes and they all require different size wrenches (spanners), tire pressures, etc. For example, rather than having to look up things or guess and test fit wrenches until I get the right size, I made a note and pinned it up; '06 T100, oil drain plug 13mm.
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Here is my baby at rest for the winter.
If anyone is interested, this is the place where I got my rocker box gaskets from online.
The price was $13.15 a set (pair) plus postage. They look like a really nice product.


I spent some time yesterday jockying my bikes around in the basement to get them in their final resting places for the winter. I don't have a lot of space so it takes some manouvering to move them and not bang into things.
As I mentioned previously, two bikes have to rest in my rec room/hobby area, and here they are.
Whenever I'm at the hobby table I feel like I'm in a sanctuary or man cave surrounded by my VROOM, VROOM "stuff" :y2:
Rocky, nice job on the bike - and it is a fine looking bike.

Thanks for the kind words everyone TUP
I admit to being a neatnick and can't work in a mess or chaos. I have to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
For this reason I hesitate somewhat in showing you my "wall of wrenches" (spanners); Whitworth, metric and SAE sets.
OK I'm anal. What can I say FACE but at least I know where everything is :y2:

View attachment 7924

I only wish my garage looked that good!!
Thanks for the kind words everyone TUP
I admit to being a neatnick and can't work in a mess or chaos. I have to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
For this reason I hesitate somewhat in showing you my "wall of wrenches" (spanners); Whitworth, metric and SAE sets.
OK I'm anal. What can I say FACE but at least I know where everything is :y2:

View attachment 7924

I am impressed

I spent some time yesterday jockying my bikes around in the basement to get them in their final resting places for the winter. I don't have a lot of space so it takes some manouvering to move them and not bang into things.
As I mentioned previously, two bikes have to rest in my rec room/hobby area, and here they are.
Whenever I'm at the hobby table I feel like I'm in a sanctuary or man cave surrounded by my VROOM, VROOM "stuff" :y2:
View attachment 7981

Very, VERY nice!
I wish to heaven that I had a wall like that!!! TUP

I know what bag my tools are in but finding them is always a challenge. FACE

Sent from my BlackBerry 9930 using Tapatalk and some serious hunting and pecking.