Unexpected reason to support full face helmets

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An errant golf ball from the 14th hole on Murfreesboro’s Indian Hills Golf Course knocked a motorcyclist’s teeth out as she and her husband rode blissfully along South Church Street.-

A man teeing off at the 14th over the weekend hooked his shot, watched the ball disappear and then heard screams, according to a Murfreesboro Police Department incident report. He followed the scream to find a woman clutching her bloody mouth.
Her husband told police that they were riding their motorcycles when he saw the ball bounce across the road and near her motorcycle. There, it careened into her face. She was able to avoid wrecking her bike, but the ball knocked out “several†teeth, the report said. She was taken to Middle Tennessee Medical Center for treatment.
An officer scoured the area for the offending golf ball and found multiple potential culprits, but, alas, he wrote, “none of which had blood on them.â€


I guess she was tee'd off

Wiped the smile right off her face

There must be alot of golf courses in Arkansas

The woman asked the golfer, "what was that fore?"

That's what you get for putting around the streets near a golf course

Hole in one

More like a screaming "Eagle".....especially if she was riding an HD

United States Golf Association lists that as a "Two Stroke" penalty

I guess I should be ashamed of making pun of the birdie on the bike. :y2:
I had a small bird hit the side of my full face helmet as I motored along at highway speed. The impact snapped my head sideways. All I saw was a sudden blur out of the corner of my eye and then POW!!
A small bird also smacked into my thigh and that one stung!!
As I have mentioned previously on this forum, there is NO WAY I would ever wear an open face after what happened to a good friend of mine on 26th December 2009. He was riding his Harley V Rod at 50mph at the tail end of a group. They rounded a long and steady bend to the left. No problems until Brian hit a small bump in the road, lost it, fell on his face, lost his face from halfway down his nose to his chin, slid across the road and under the only car coming the other way.

At the later inquest, it was revealed the th injuries caused by the car would not have been life threatening. It was the loss of his face and the shock that caused him to die. I spoke to him only a week before the accident. He was wearing the open face then. I asked him why he wore it. he replied, "I ride a Harley now, it fits the image".

I'm totally gobsmacked at why people wear them. Their choice I know but in my opinion, a very poor one.

I guess she was tee'd off

Wiped the smile right off her face

There must be alot of golf courses in Arkansas

The woman asked the golfer, "what was that fore?"

That's what you get for putting around the streets near a golf course

Hole in one

More like a screaming "Eagle".....especially if she was riding an HD

United States Golf Association lists that as a "Two Stroke" penalty

I guess I should be ashamed of making pun of the birdie on the bike. :y2:

Love all the puns! :y2:
I'm totally gobsmacked at why people wear them. Their choice I know but in my opinion, a very poor one.


I agree with you Lee. I started out wearing a full face, moved to the open face, on to the pirate look and returned to full face. But as you said, it's the riders choice what if any they wear.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
When I ended up face down in a Peruvian ditch four years ago I was more than thankful for my full face helmet.
It was an HJC Symax flip-up and it stayed in one piece. It was so beat up I left it behind along with my torn up riding gear.
I crash per helmet is my rule of thumb - plus it was so beat up I didn't want it anyway.
When I see the Harley riders in their "beanie" style helmets I shake my head in dismay. They may as well be wearing nothing.
well did use open faced lids when i was racing ,but i used a face mask which i found more efective against stones and flying debrie.

as the fullface off road lids the chin gaurd is miles away and stuff used to get past it, but on the road its full face all the way.
I was riding along on a nice Autumn day once around 35 MPH and my pipes must have scared-up a wild turkey along the side of the rode in the brush.

The turkey flew up and smacked me right in the full helmet's face-shield. It nearly knocked me right off the bike (turkeys are pretty big).

The worst part was that it must have scared the turkey even more than me because it let loose about a liter of poop down the front of my black leather jacket. That dried by the time I got home and permanently stained my jacket. Professional cleaners couldn't remove it so I had to throw away a $350.00 jacket.
I know I,m going totally against the grain here,and also against common sense, but I ride open face.
I have a full face,but to me it totally isolates me from the feeling of being out on the bike.
When I now wear my full face,I feel isolated from my environment with restricted vision and hearing, and I figure if I,m looking thru a visor,I may as well look thru the windscreen of a car.
I have another theory as well, when I wear my full face,everyone on the planet tries to knock me of my bike,but wearing an open face with shades and a windblown beard,the only people who try to kill me are those that actually did not see me. In fact,I haven't worn my full face since I got taken out two years back with the subsequent demise of my speedy.
Another point of consideration,I ride for pleasure,so I avoid rain,plus most rides for me are sub 2 hours.
If I was heading cross country on a 8 or so hour ride and thru unknown weather, I would probably opt for the full face, but I would hate it.
i say each to there own ! its a persinal thing , i rode years with open face lids and as harry says realy enjoyed the freedom of it .
but after a tree felling accident that knocked out 4 of my teeth , i had surgery to fix my jaw and teeth after that i suffered with terrible sencative teeth .
so i switched to a full face to try and help it a bit and it worked quit well so ive stayed with full face .
When I started riding no one wore helmets, or used seat belts in cars for that matter. Would not consider getting on a bike today without full face gear or getting in a car without a seat belt. Maybe I got smarter in 63 years least i'am still kicking.
In my hand I hold a ball....white and dimpled, rather small....
Oh , how bland it does appear....this harmless looking little sphere....
By its size I could not guess....the awesome strength it does possess....
But since I fell beneath it's spell....I've wandered through the fires of ****..
My life has not been quite the same....Since I chose to play this stupid game....
It rules my mind for hours on end...A fortune it has made me spend....
It has made me swear and yell and cry....I hate myself and want to die....
It promises a thing called par....If I can hit straight and far ....
To master such a tiny ball....should not be very hard at all ...
But my desires the ball refuses....and does exactly like it chooses....
It hooks and slices, dribbles and dies....and even disappears before my eyes....
Often it will take a whim....to hit a tree or take a swim....
With miles of grass on which to land....it finds a tiny patch of sand....
Then has me offering up my soul....if only it would find the hole....
It's made me whimper like a pup....and swear that I will give it up....
And take a drink to ease my sorrow....but the ball knows..... I'll be back tomorrow!!!!
As I have mentioned previously on this forum, there is NO WAY I would ever wear an open face after what happened to a good friend of mine on 26th December 2009. He was riding his Harley V Rod at 50mph at the tail end of a group. They rounded a long and steady bend to the left. No problems until Brian hit a small bump in the road, lost it, fell on his face, lost his face from halfway down his nose to his chin, slid across the road and under the only car coming the other way.

At the later inquest, it was revealed the th injuries caused by the car would not have been life threatening. It was the loss of his face and the shock that caused him to die. I spoke to him only a week before the accident. He was wearing the open face then. I asked him why he wore it. he replied, "I ride a Harley now, it fits the image".

I'm totally gobsmacked at why people wear them. Their choice I know but in my opinion, a very poor one.


I agree and worse are the "novelty" helmets I see many cruiser guys sporting. They are even less protective than a D.O.T> open face!!!! I have had rocks from dump trucks take chunks outta my full face (right on the chin) woulda most likely broke my chin, possibly taken a few teeth and certainly woulda caused me to lose control of the bike, I have had visor shields broke/cracked by rocks, road debris....and once a part of a cell phone the guy in front of me dropped off his belt on a group ride..... No way you catch me on a bike without a full face certified quality helmet.
I think it was Bell that had an ad campaign a few years back "If you have a $10.00 head use a $10.00 helmet".......says it all.

I must be totally honest however, I rode many years with NO helmet back in the late 70's and 80's. I wore an open face on my Harley. I had a number of accidents in my youth, and thank the Lord my guardian angel is a fast little bugger and I was very very lucky to not have suffered any head injury in any of them, broken arms, wrists fingers, elbow and a leg....but always managed to protect my melon somehow. I agree the wind in your face is way cool. And sometimes I miss it. But when your as pretty as me you don't want to mess up such great handy work ROTFL
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I once remember CarlS saying "If you have a $10.00 head, wear a $10.00 helmet". How true. :) my heads worth much more to me than $10.00.

Lee :)
Well, as to the full/open debate, the fact is if you ride at all you have just increased your risk of dying or being mangled badly manyfold over driving a car. You could wear a chainmail suit and have airbags all over your body too if you really want to be safer. But where do you draw the line? You may tell someone a open helmet is dangerous and a week later he may find out by erasing his face on the pavement. But your non riding friend may tell you bikes are dangerous and a week later you may be dead. Who's right? Should we stop riding altogether? I would wager that if you take 2 bikers, one with a open face and one with a full, all else being equal, the one with the open face is far far less likely to grind his face off than either one of them is to die on thier bikes. Bikes are extremely dangerous and once i decided to take that risk i also decided that i'm going to enjoy it immensely or the risk is far too much for anything less. And full faces to me are very very uncomfortable and ruin the enjoyment for me to a large degree. Even a 3/4 does compared to a 1/2 for me. Not badly like a FF, but i enjoy riding a bit less with them. No offense to anyone, just debating the issue. But thats the way i see it.

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