Wikipedia Protests the US Government's Proposed Internet Restrictions!!!

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Well it's a little more than that but it is basically an effort to control the Internet. Barry and his thugs don't like people saying anything about them and have said several times they want control over what is posted. At this time the regulation is setting up a smoke and mirrors stage for them to do just that by making it about corporations that are damaged by information posted on the web or thru copyright infringement.

There is probably a little good in the bills but from what I've read there is a lot of gray areas that could be exploited to cover just what Barry and his thugs have said they want to do if it should become law.
It is amazing I never thought about it until today just how much I actually use Wikipedia. While looking for information this morning I have landed up on their page I don't know how many times. :y8:
There are other sites blacked out also. This is what I find on AdvRider:
ADVrider is blacked out on January 18th to protest SOPA and PIPA. We join Wikipedia, ThumperTalk, KTMTalk and thousands of other sites whose existence is threatened. If these bills pass, it could mean the end of ADVrider. Please write your representatives to let them know the asylum must go on. -- Baldy

The purported purpose of the bills is to stop copyright infringement. However, as is usually the case, the proposed laws go to far and give politicians (government) too much power. If you go to the Wiki site, click on the link and you can read what the bills are about.

I never knew about this until now so it's too late for TT to support it I suppose. The major search engines should have done it as well that would have tweaked a bit of interest I am sure
Here‘s How To Beat Wikipedia’s Blackout

If you absolutely MUST search Wikipedia today, here is how you do it:
As the site starts loading, hit the ESC key – the good old standard home page will appear.

When you type your search data into the form and hit the enter key, you must also hit the ESC key again.

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