Wiinter can be tough.

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Just finished trimming the edges of the lawn and before my first beer of the day I figured that I'd better send a postcard to my friends up in the north.
Sorry about that, couldn't help myself :y2:


I know the feeling Kevin jumped into my pool yesterday and the water was sitting at a cool 36 degree Celsius = 96.8 degree Fahrenheit :y10:

Dave that's too hot. We have a heating system and I set it at 26c so it hasn't run for some days now. Today the water was 28c, if it gets much hotter I'll turn the tropical mode on, that runs it at night to cool the water down.
If that pool was over here, you would be skating on it! Minus 2 deg C here at the minute! Brrrrrrrr!

I'm sure a northern winter has it's beauty and many positive aspects. For me living in a temperate climate 5 km from the hospital I was delivered in back in 1950 will do for my final years. I may spend a few days in the snow before I leave this blue ball but to live at minus 2 c aint gunna happen to this little kangaroo.
The only time that I left this country I went to a hotter place, a Honda dealer trip to Tahiti, that's me on the left.:y11:

Dave that's too hot. We have a heating system and I set it at 26c so it hasn't run for some days now. Today the water was 28c, if it gets much hotter I'll turn the tropical mode on, that runs it at night to cool the water down.

Well I have a solar blanket so I cannot turn it down and if I remove it for long periods I lose too much matter due to evaporation. However I find when the blanket is taken off within about 30 minutes it will cool down to around 32 or so and I actually like it at that temp. The deep end is a bit cooler still (around 30c) so you can get cool that side of the pool. I think my pool takes around 90 Thousand Liters so it is a big pool and to fill it all the time is a bit much.
I would not even open up my pool at 20c :y35:
I will admit that it's a bit of a shock to a warm body when it hits that cool water, but you quickly adjust to it.
The best way is to simply jump in and take the shock all at once and have done with it.

It's 4C and sunny here today so I went down to the lake to check on the cottages and the lake is still mostly open water. Normally, it should be frozen solid and to a thickness of about 30 - 35 cm (12 - 14"). Since it's almost the end of January the liklihood of it freezing over solid enough to walk on is pretty slim now.
After all the recent wind and rain there is no snow left at all.

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