Why i hate most all forums except this one

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During my time here (since Dave started paying me properly), I've only seen one flame war and that was over politics. :y2:
In my group of friends we refrain from discussing politics and religion, which is why we're still friends for a guess.

Lekker place this.

That discussion did get a bit testy, didn't it? BGRIN
I am a member of a few other sites as well, ADV,Tigertriple and RAT , and I see exactly what you are saying. Most times a simple question gets smart ass half baked remarks, seemingly to just incite a quarrel.
I am a member of a local forum designed for "all brands" and have gone on a couple rides and a meet and greet with them. Good bunch of guys, BUT the knowledge pool (unless you ride a Harley, or Harley clone) is very very limited. It was sorta fun being the only guy wearing a khaki and brown Triumph Motorcycles shirt in a sea of black and orange :y2: But I always like playing Devils Advocate.
This site rocks, assistance and guidance is given ( for your bike, or your life) as needed and without all the ego crap of other sites. If I knew any other local Triumph riders I would direct them here, but I don't.
Keep up the good everyone!

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