Why i hate most all forums except this one

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I'm not exaggerating when i say this...you can ask a technical question at any other bike forum and be 100% guaranteed of one thing.....if you get 10 replies either 9 of them or all 10 will NOT be answers to your question. Some will be insults, some will be suggestions as to what you should do instead of what you are asking how to do. Others will just be replies that just ramble on about something thats not even quite related to the subject. Then if you suggest this and ask if they can just answer your question they will attack you for being ungrateful.

Sometimes i think those who realize how insane this is and have more sense than those jokers end up here. :y2: Somehow if i ask a question here I get more sensible answers in one thread than i normally get anywhere else after a year of posting.
A lot of folks like to show off their knowledge - even if their knowledge is limited. I think that is behind some of what you are talking about. I don't see much of that here at all. When questions are asked and we don't know the answers, we either don't post or we point the OP to the member who can answer his/her question. This is a great group of folks on this forum.

I just joined another forum to do some learning and the very things you are discussing I saw right off the bat. I had to sift through a lot of meaningless drivel to find the answers to the questions that were posed.
I think the thing here is we have such a pool of experience gained over years that we tend to not have to try and put our 2c in if we actually have no idea of the answer as Carl said. I think that some of our new members that hit and run don't see this and would possibly stick around if they did know it. I have reach the stage where I don't join other bike forums any more because of the fact these guys know it all :y2:
I don't know what you will think of this but, I don't tell people about this forum. I stumbled onto it by accident some time back, took a little time to feel the vibe of the thing and don't wish to change it with 20 or 30 new members from my home town / area. Hey you blokes are doing a great job at putting up with me, I'm sure you don't want any more rabble in the door.
I fear that too. To be honest, as a bike forum this one is very slow, so it's not as good a resource for learning and discussing bike issues as say RAT for example. So i go elsewhere for that. But the people here are the best so it's become more of a social thing but with people who also are into bikes. But bikes take a back seat to friendship here, a rare if not totally unique way for a forum to be. Therefore like you i admit i worry about new members joining for fear it will become like other forums. Luckily if that happens it wouldn't be long lived because we can be sure dave and carl would nip the problem in the bud quick, and as you know they have the wisdom and sense to make the right decisions. But in the event a ton of new members joined i'm not sure that could be handled. So i kinda like it the way it is now too !
Well I fear that may all change from next month when we give away a TB for the prize in our photo contest ....... um Dale you still good with donating your one as they prize I presume :y10: :y2:

The funny thing as I said I don't join many forums because of all you need to go through to get any type of an answer to a question. Now I normally just search and become a lurker until I have what I need and then most times will only go back again when I am looking for something else. Like now I am researching a few PC things so Google is my friend BGRIN
I've noticed the same thing. If you have a question you need answered there is someone here that can answer it or direct you to where the answer may be found. I don't answer many bike (Triumph) related questions due to just learning about the bikes but I do read the question and the replies for my own education.

I was pretty active on another forum that was a lot like TT, but I've noticed it changing. I won't name the site but it too is brand related and has a lot of useful information if you get around some if the drama queens.

We have a regional forum that has really grown in the past couple/three years and we have experienced some growing pains but the Admin and Mods have done a great job of keeping it family friendly. I know and ride with the Admin and most of the Mods so I get first hand knowledge of the type folks they are and I feel we are blessed here with the same type of leadership.

TriumphTalk is a great bike forum with a social site feel or is it a great social site with a bike feel?

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The social side of it makes things go smoother. At work I don't want to spend a shift with a bunch of loners, I would rather have more of a social feel, co-workers i get along with. The same with a forum for me. I like to get together with like minded folks. That's why I attend the other forums area Thursday night bike nights, the Rides To Eat and the monthly Pie Runs, to spend time with like minded folks. We were laughing the other night about the range of conversations around the cafe. A new member was surprised by how we interacted with one another. I told her that on some occasions we even talk about bikes.

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If members leave TT because it's "too social" then I say good riddance to them.
I also belong to 2-3 other forums, but am not very active and am a lurker most of the time.
I don't have many problems that I can't solve myself so I rarely ask questions, here or elsewhere.
But the first point made by dazco is quite valid.
I've seen it myself many times and shake my head in dismay at the inane responses - or non-responses:y2:
Some of the things posted are really stupid and not worth the time it took to type it.
All that said, by lurking I do pick up quite a bit of information from those other forums
well im quite new to the hole forum thing ! and have joined forums before but as you all say and point out its all shop talk !
nobody wants to now you as an individual .
TT is a differant breed and i for one love that about it , its a place of friends with a common interest .

well im quite new to the hole forum thing ! and have joined forums before but as you all say and point out its all shop talk !
nobody wants to now you as an individual .
TT is a differant breed and i for one love that about it , its a place of friends with a common interest .


Well put, Shane.
During my time here (since Dave started paying me properly), I've only seen one flame war and that was over politics. :y2:
In my group of friends we refrain from discussing politics and religion, which is why we're still friends for a guess.

Lekker place this.

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