Where Do You Buy Your Chains?

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My Trophy is in need of a new chain & sprockets before riding season comes around.

The place I always bought them from no longer stocks my chain/sprocket combo in the brand I usually buy.

So for those located in the USA, where do you get your chains and sprockets with the best price?

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
Well we all think alike. I'll see if I can find the link to some of the others I've looked at using. Most of them were for dirt bikes but if I remember correctly some also sold sets for street bikes, just don't know if it included Triumphs.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
Triumph has the package deal including the gasket needed that other places don't give you. The price isn't bad either. But of course it would have to be ordered and that could take 6 months!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR