What's your daily driver?

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What device do you use on a daily basis for media consumption?

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Good one Doug! TUP

Mackbook Air here. Used daily. Love the thing. Shannon has gone through 1 tablet, 2 pc based laptops (ready for a third the current Dell is toast as of last week ugh) and a "smart phone" in the 3 years I have been using this Mac, which I only bought because my 11 year old iMac finally crapped the bed....probably due to me taking it apart and trying to add more power/memory----ooops---- somethings you are better to "pay the guy" too fix.........my Macbook is still chuggin along, issue free....no viruses, no crashes......no offense p.c. guys. Only down side so far is some video content I can't open, but that really hasn't affected my life near as negatively as fixing/repairing her p.c's.
What is "media consumption"? What exactly is media? I think of news media as being newspapers, periodicals (magazines), television and radio. I don't own a an "I" anything and never have; Apple has never gotten a penny from me.

I do have computers, but I don't watch TV on them. Why do you classify laptops different from desktops? Does your laptop do something your desktop will not (becides being easier to transport; my desktop has a battery, so that can't be the difference)?

Where I am from your daily driver is a vehicle, not a time wasting electronic gadget.

I do have a "smart" phone, but I don't watch TV on it either. This may shock many, but I use it as a telephone.

And I haven't used a tablet since the first grade.

I don't have a facebook membership, and I don't tweet. How does anyone with a real life find time for these things?

Finally, I absolutely HATE getting text messages and refuse to reply with a text message; it takes forever to communicate anything factual. Why not just call?
Hope you guys have the tattoos to go with your device BGRIN

Finally, I absolutely HATE getting text messages and refuse to reply with a text message; it takes forever to communicate anything factual. Why not just call?

I don't actually LIKE texting, but there are times when it is necessary. If my Wife or Daughter are at work, they can't take personal calls. I may really need to get a message to them, or visa versa. So at those times, it comes in pretty handy. But we only use texting for important things.
I could never text and would never even try with my old phone. However with the smart phone and the keyboard being the same layout as a normal keyboard I can now send mails and even post long post here without any problems at all. I am actually getting very good at it and can type fast on my Blackberry :y2: Looking back I really don't know how I did without it as all my communication now can come to one point and be with me all the time
picked up my new phone yesterday, samsung galaxy S2. awesome.

with the price of calls it's much cheaper for me to text either via whatsapp or sms.

Newspapers are outdated, they report on something that's hours old, the situation could have changed three times since it went to print.
If I need to point something out to someone I can just send them the link.
can do banking whenever I need to. weather is one click away if I need to plan a breakfast run tomorrow.

this can all be done when I'm sitting in traffic waiting for the accident to be cleared.

I dunno I feel kinda guilty firing up my desktop just to see if that item I bought on ebay has shipped yet.


picked up my new phone yesterday, samsung galaxy S2. awesome.

with the price of calls it's much cheaper for me to text either via whatsapp or sms.

Newspapers are outdated, they report on something that's hours old, the situation could have changed three times since it went to print.
If I need to point something out to someone I can just send them the link.
can do banking whenever I need to. weather is one click away if I need to plan a breakfast run tomorrow.

this can all be done when I'm sitting in traffic waiting for the accident to be cleared.

I dunno I feel kinda guilty firing up my desktop just to see if that item I bought on ebay has shipped yet.



For what very limited texting, I do, I use whatsapp. It works and the price is right. I have normal texting blocked on my phone.
I am almost as old as dirt. I remember when my parents got their first telephone; it was a dial type wall phone in the kitchen with about a 6 foot cord. My mother ordered it put in without my father's knowledge or permission. I remember when he came home from work and she told him about it; he had a fit. I can still remember him saying that spending $6.00 a month for a worthless telephone was totally crazy.

The first time my father came home from work and found my mother using the telephone and his supper wasn't ready, he tore the telephone off the wall.

Of course, we kept the telephone "for emergencies", but 99% of its use was for my mother to call her sisters and gossip (my wife calls it socializing).

I have a cell phone for communicating with people; I haven't called someone "just to talk" since I was dating in high school. My wife has a long list of people she has to "check in with" at least once a day and several she must call two or three times a day. I don't feel the need to "check in with" anyone, and don't.

She also has to "check out" the daily postings to about a dozen people's face book sites. I don't even know how to do this!

Does anyone else remember when any call not in your immediate community was a "long distance" call that could easily cost you a half day's pay to call someone less than a half hour's drive away. We used "signal" calls to avoid long distance fees - like calling home "collect and person-to-person" and asking to speak with yourself (this was a "safe arrival" message), that also allowed whomever received the operator's call to accept the charges if there was some emergency you needed to know about. That meaning serious personal injury, sickness or death only.

99% of my outgoing calls are to return calls, and 99% of those last less than one minute. This works as my wife needs all of her minutes and mine too; not to mention all of the gigs of bandwith she uses.

I could get by just fine without a cell phone; I did so for a long time.
Im sorry for laughing Gary but your post cracks me up on so many levels.
Your old man and mine could've been brothers with there controlling and penny pinching ways.
As for yourself and your wife,you come from different planets,how come you havent killed each other yet.:y23:
I spoke to my nearest neighbors yesterday. They are an elderly couple who get around quite a bit visiting their children and such.

The Wife was telling me that they got a new car because their old car got totaled. Of course, this brought up the question HOW?

I guess they were visiting their one Son in Pittsburgh, which is quite hilly. As they were about to leave the Son told them to wait a minute that he was going to run down the street and get them something before they left.

So they had to move their car to let their Son out of the driveway and the Husband (who was driving) decided he'd pull out and back the car into the driveway so they'd be facing out.

The only problem was that he backed up too far and left the asphalt driveway going in reverse. She shouted to hm to hit the brakes and he instead hit the gas. It was wet and rainy and there is a very steep embankment immediately behind the driveway. So down the hill they go taking-out small trees on the way. Luckily, there was one BIG tree that they crashed into before going over a much steeper gorge almost straight down! Another 20 feet, and they'd have plummeted over the gorge and probably been killed. Needless to say the trunk area was crashed in clear to the back seat area and the hill was so steep they couldn't sit up straight. The doors of the car were also crumpled into each other and they wouldn't open.

Meanwhile their Son comes home and doesn't see them. He's mad because he thinks they left before he returned!

After some looking around inside the car, the Wife finds her purse and gets her cellphone out. She calls the Son and tells him they are over the embankment. It took he, his Wife, and several neighbors to climb donw the hill and extract them from the car. Then they had to push them from behind up the slippery embankment to the top of the hill.

After the car was pulled out by a wrecker, the Husband tells the tow truck driver he wants to drive the car home!! :y13:

Anyhow, the moral of that long story is that cellphones can be a life saver in an emergency!

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