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What has happened to this site. It seems to have gone dead. Still riding and enjoying my Thruxton R, it gets a lot of attention everywhere I ride it from both other bikers and old guys that used to ride. ;)
In spite of the fact that we are adding several new members to the site every day, the forum is still a ghost town most of the time.
Most of us old timers have talked most subjects to death so it's hoped that all the new blood would boost the forum traffic, but not so far. They join; maybe one thread with a question and that's it!
We greet them and encourage them to participate, but not with much success it seems.
My riding season will end in a couple of weeks so I won't have anymore ride reports or general riding until next year.
For me, winter is a very slow time with little action or projects to report on.
None of my bikes need anything so winter will just be hibernation for them - and me for the most part BGRIN

We don't know your geographical location, other than the USA, so if you're still riding now and for the foreseeable future TUP TUP ride safe and report any rides or adventures you have along the way.
I have always said that creating a forum is the easy part. Making a forum comes from the members as without them you can have the best technical forum around but that is all you have.

The members bring the life into the technical setup that has been created.
I do apologize--

I know I was much more active in years past present economics and family issues-- job lyoffs -- replacing 1 job with 2 and still not covering the bills has kept me away from the forum and sadly even away from riding --

the Tigress has sat idle for months now...

I try pop in and contribute when I have a few minutes --- but things have not being going well in the swamps -- and time is a rare commodity
amen to that!!!!

I am 80% done with a 2 day REPLACING a bathroom tub project---- that required crawling UNDER the house in the 2.5 ft. crawl space --- using a sawsall to cut away flooring re route plumbing because the OLD tub and the NEW tub didnt have the drain hole in EXACTLY the same spot......ugh
I HAD 1 day set aside for this project its drug into 2
Well i hope to ride all winter this year ( all be it on a guzzi ) but i will stick in some ride reports in now and again , and i do have one to post up on my weekend with the gsx1400 club were members came from far and wide ( one even came over from Holland ) and i got some pics in but not to many ...... will post up as soon as i get chance .
Looking forward to seeing the pictures.
We certainly need more of that and I wish more would post about their rides.
Everyone here must ride somewhere so let's see some pictures and a bit of a story.
You don't have to be a world renowned author for Pete's sake!
If you can talk you can write. It's that easy.

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