What gets your day off to the wrong start?

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It's midweek, Wednesday, hump-day so it should be a good day. I'm very consistent in my mood and 99.9% of the time, get up in a good mood. But sheesh, some things just start me off on the wrong footing from the get-go. Here's what gets me: Local clients calling me on my mobile from 06h30 onwards - my office hours are 08h30 to 16h30, stick to them. Clients who go to another service provider, get themselves into a mess and bring the mess to me to fix; at 06h30! People who whinge and whine about anything and everything, people who lie...................... Should I carry on?? So what gets your goat?
I've been retired for 20 years so I'm out of the daily grind.
I can't say that I've had many bad starts to a day over the years. My life has always been pretty stable and constant.
I'm pretty laid back and don't get upset very easily.
But I would get upset at stupid phone calls at 6:30 AM unless it was a family emergency.
everything you said coz I get the exact same thing ANGER and the fact that some people think your waiting for them to walk in the door so you can drop every think just for them , I mean :what:
Wow, musta been a cosmic thing cause my day yesterday was about like yours Grommit, started with a screw up double posting from my credit card company that knocked my online bank account (the one I sue to pay bills and such online) into negative numbers.....and the subsequent multiple calls between bank and credit card company to get it resolved.......which it still isn't today......and that was the easiest of the multiple crappy things that occurred......then the entire CITY of Foley Alabama lost internet!!!!! Yep, it was a day for sure.ANGER

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