Watch Out For Other Bikes!

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So yesterday I was out for a short evening ride. The weather was perfect and I was overdue for a date with gilrie.
So I'm meandering down a secondary road, two lanes on each side and I caught up to a rider on a sportster. He was in the left lane, I in the right. I stayed back a few bike lengths at least so that we were riding in a staggered formation. All of a sudden he darts from his lane over into mine in a split second. It appeared that he was playing around and dodging a man hole cover just for kicks. Had I not been behind him he would have slammed right into me. I thought what the hell?... and then noticed he had NO rear view mirrors mounted on his bike, thus he had no idea how close he came to making road pizza out of both of us!
Moral of the story? Always assume EVERYONE is out to get you and NOBODY can SEE you.
no mirrors :confused: ! what kind of idiot rides on the open road with no mirrors ? what if you were a car or a truck ? he`d be pizza on the windscreen about now , and we would all be calling the driver of the car or truck for all the names under the sun .
and it would be no fault of there`s !
no mirrors :confused: ! what kind of idiot rides on the open road with no mirrors ? what if you were a car or a truck ? he`d be pizza on the windscreen about now , and we would all be calling the driver of the car or truck for all the names under the sun .
and it would be no fault of there`s !

Shane....every Harley I have ever ridden didn't have mirrors....well it HAD metal objects with reflection lens attached to the handlebars....but they where USELESS.......many around these parts REMOVE the mirrors(mine used to rattle lose...and one fell off going down the road) to be "cool" ...and you are assuming this nit wit would (if they where present) even have LOOKED in the mirrors if he had them.......

"2 things are infinite, the Universe, and Human Stupidity.....and I am not so sure about the first one" A. Einstein Da Man!!!!
no mirrors :confused: ! what kind of idiot rides on the open road with no mirrors ? what if you were a car or a truck ? he`d be pizza on the windscreen about now , and we would all be calling the driver of the car or truck for all the names under the sun .
and it would be no fault of there`s !
Yep! I couldn't believe it, I guess he thought they didn;t look cool on his sportster? And to make matters worse he didnt even glance over his shoulder before changing lanes! He had no idea who or what was behind, of even next to him....
OH SHITE I didn't see it was a SPORTSTER!!!!! Fiery Death Traps...the PINTO of Motorcycling (don't give me flak I had one it tried to kill me numerous times I earned the right and have the scars....AVOID SPORTSTERS!!! Riding them driving or riding NEAR them....they will take out as many as they can ....really......)
Truth he probably HAD mirrors when he left on his ride....they vibrated lose and fell off after about 30 miles.........

ANd did I mention I HATE sportsters???? o.k. good then...... Actually I do like the way they look......(I have issues)

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