BAAK has them as well as British customs I think. you only need to replace brake line and clutch cable for 90% of the aftermarket bars. Wider not so much higher bars. Long handlebar cables kit for Triumph (liquid cooled)
I have had an eye on the BAAK set but also these Triumph Street Twin Riser Extension Cable (they are unavailable currently )
They seem to have more cables. On examining, the accelerator line also seems a bit tight. I probably need around 3" - 4" displacement for my bike.
After scouring the net and local shops and the triumph dealer repeatedly i found that there is no alternative(BC drew a blank) to the BAAK set. So i went ahead and ordered it. If anything else falls short...well we shall see when it happens
Thanks for your prompt input. Will keep this thread posted with the results.
Hi SarahP,
I received my BAAK cables in the mail almost 10 days ago. Now my bike is with the dealer as he is also fitting me a new camshaft. Will post pics when i get my bike. (Should be a couple of days, my Triumph dealer is kinda slow)
Hi SarahP,
I received my BAAK cables in the mail almost 10 days ago. Now my bike is with the dealer as he is also fitting me a new camshaft. Will post pics when i get my bike. (Should be a couple of days, my Triumph dealer is kinda slow)
Excellent news! I see you have an India flag on your flair. I guess it's a common thing the world over that all Triumph dealers seem to take a long time! Keep us posted!
But you can't do a drive-by post with that photo and not tell us what mods you've done!
I see:
-- a new seat (is that the BC seat or a Slammer??)
-- Your engine guards look bigger than mine?
-- Cool fog lights on the engine guards
-- Skid plate?
-- Obviously new mirrors - care to share the brand?
-- the best cell phone holder I have ever seen!
Yes, not only does this handlebar look good but it is a blessing for my poor hands that ached from the stock bars on longer rides.
Here are some of the things I did -
Dang, Z, your flair shows that you're in India. Come to the US, open a shop, and make a fortune doing mods on bikes. You have really done some great thins with yours and you have some mad skills. Thanks for the specific names and links, too.
I'm especially interested in your seat mod. I'm too chicken to pull mine apart just yet, but your post is making me think about doing it.
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