Anyone who knows me will know which side of the fence I'm on. My question is what you think of this situation.
- Cecil was a protected lion
- He had a tracking collar on
- He was in a protected wildlife sanctuary open park
- Palmer used a bow and arrow
- The first shot was not a kill shot
- Cecil roamed for 40 hours badly injured before they found him and killed him
- The hunting guide and trackers deliberately lured Cecil out of the protected area into the licensed hunt zone
- After killing Cecil and acknowledging the collar, did Palmer still behead the lion?
- Zimbabwe is prosecuting the hunting company, guides and trackers
- Should Palmer be prosecuted?
- Cecil's cubs will probably die now because the next lion in the hierarchy of the pride, will more than likely kill the cubs in order to eliminate the bloodline threat and create his own bloodline in the pride.
- I do not agree with the vitriol being spewed out against Palmer nor do I support the forced closure of his dental practice.