Walter Palmer & The Killing Of Cecil The Lion

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Anyone who knows me will know which side of the fence I'm on. My question is what you think of this situation.
  • Cecil was a protected lion
  • He had a tracking collar on
  • He was in a protected wildlife sanctuary open park
  • Palmer used a bow and arrow
  • The first shot was not a kill shot
  • Cecil roamed for 40 hours badly injured before they found him and killed him
  • The hunting guide and trackers deliberately lured Cecil out of the protected area into the licensed hunt zone
  • After killing Cecil and acknowledging the collar, did Palmer still behead the lion?
  • Zimbabwe is prosecuting the hunting company, guides and trackers
  • Should Palmer be prosecuted?
  • Cecil's cubs will probably die now because the next lion in the hierarchy of the pride, will more than likely kill the cubs in order to eliminate the bloodline threat and create his own bloodline in the pride.
  • I do not agree with the vitriol being spewed out against Palmer nor do I support the forced closure of his dental practice.
Jane Goodall on Cecil the lion’s death: “I have no words to express my repugnance.” - Quartz
The news is reporting Palmer was prosecuted in the States for poaching several years ago. Is this right or just the news adding partial info?

He, according to the news, claims he thought the guides had lured a legal animal in for the hunt. Maybe he is telling the truth, I don't know. He was close enough to make the shot with the bow so you would think he would have seen a collar and that should have raised questions. We have, or at least I have not heard about the collar from the news here.

I'll just have to wait and see more info before I decide what his involvement was.
He apparently shot a black bear illegally and was prosecuted for that in the US. He missed on the first shot as I said and when he did get the kill shot, he saw the collar. At this point, he should've got the authorities involved - animals are not collared so that they can be hunted. But he proceeded to behead the lion after seeing the tracking collar. So personally, I don't buy the "I thought it was legal" story. As a professional hunter, he knows the rules.
For $55 000 US, I'm sure he wasn't going to go home empty handed. It seems as if the more endangered a species becomes, the more they're trophy hunted. Almost as if it's a case of "Oooo I better get a head on my before there's none left!" I don't know. I just don't see the point of hanging dead animals on your wall.
I've never been a trophy hunter I always hunted for food on the table ,everything I shot went in the freezer , I'm not a fan of hunting for sport apart from vermin or pests .
I was at one time a avid bow hunter, recurve bow that is i have never owned a compound. I hunted own my own using hunting skills that did not involve "tame" animals or any that were used to humans and no dogs, just myself and the Mississippi River swamp. This is the best deer hunting you can experience, you would be surprised what you learn and what you see in nature. For a educated man to kill a "tame" animal, and that is just what that lion was, i have nothing for him i hope it cost him another 55k usd and his profession!!! I think i will invite him to go hunting with me, let a gator stalk him, he needs some therapy!
I can understand hunting for food, as a meat eater I get that. But I just can't understand why anyone would hunt and kill such a magnificent beast, protected or otherwise, purely to hang his head on a wall!:mad:
They should all be prosecuted IMO.
I too just can't see the point of killing an animal, just for the sake of it. Yes I eat meat, and enjoy it, but I fail to understand the satisfaction of destroying these or any other of these magnificent creatures. Killing for food I can live with, but just to show your friends how brave you are to shoot something from a distance. Bet he wished he'd never done it now.
I don't know if anyone here has been on a Safari Hunt in South Africa or even Southern Africa. But it's a "civilised" affair. First of all, you have all your goodies packed onto an open game vehicle for you. There are trackers and guides who find animals for you. There is a driver who will follow the tracker's instruction to get you as close to the animal as possible. All the while, the "hunter" is being treated like a king, 5* all the way. Then they get to the animal and the guide helps you out, gets you into position and the guides, trackers and rangers are all on standby with their high-powered rifles just in case the hunter misses, has an injury shot or the animal retaliates and charges (that's why I love our buffalo - mean creatures and have killed more than 1 hunter). Finally, they get their shot and animal, pose for a few photos and then the carcass is loaded onto another vehicle, taken to an abbatoir to be skinned and beheaded out of sight so that the hunter doesn't have to witness the barbarity of the act.
Most of the lion hunted in SA come from farms where the public can pay to 'pet a lion cub'. These cubs are then sold off to hunting farms but they're so used to people, it's tantamount to canned hunting. And canned hunting happens a lot here.
Sorry for the rant, but this stuff freaks me out totally.
In our State the hunters and fisherman are responsible for the conservation of our wildlife. A example is in 1966 there were no deer of any kind in the counties surrounding where i live and no large lakes. Now i have deer coming into my backyard every night and there are lakes all around due to the state Game and Fish commission. These monies were all supplied by the sportsman, i have hunted and fished all my life and don't know of anyone that would approve of the type of hunting that takes place in places that allow this type of hunting. I don't have anything for anybody that would take a animal like they do on these type of hunts!

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