Vibration @3000rpm 2nd Gear

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Last fall my Speedmaster developed what I thought was a surge at lower speeds. Since then I've determined it is a harmonic vibration at 3000 rpms in 2nd gear. It doesn't seem to be strong enough to be noticeable at other rpms or gears. I took it to the shop to diagnose because I am at a loss to what would be causing it. They gave it a "tune up" and changed my clutches. I think they were trying to fix the surge. When I got it back, it was still there. Very frustrated I took it back to the shop. Apparently this time he finally realized what I was trying to get fixed. He was pretty perplexed also on this. He checked every bulletin and contacted Triumph in hopes to figure it out. He came up with 3 things he says could be causing it. A positioning sensor. But that would cause some overheating, which my bike is not doing. Timing. But that would cause low power at the lower end and overpower at the top, which my bike is not doing. The 3rd and last thing he and Triumph came up with is something moved on the lower part of the engine, I think on the crankshaft, that put it out of balance. The theory is that it only comes up on every 5th revolution. That's why it is harmonic. But the bad news it is it will take getting down to the bottom of the motor and replacing the crankshaft and many other things to fix it. Very costly. Enough for him to recommend maybe trading it in. I really like my Speedmaster. Not a fan of the newer ones. So trade in is not an option for me. question after the longgg story.

Has anyone else experienced this scenario? Does anyone have any ideas what could be causing this? And of course does anyone know of a fix for it that won't cost thousands of dollars?

The shop and Triumph have still only put forth their solution as a theory that can only be proved by digging into it and costing me way too much, especially if they are wrong again.

2013 Triumph Speedmaster with 865 Bonneville motor 13k miles

Begging for help.
Hi , My 2 Cents would be to put some 20/50 Castrol Actevo oil in it and just ride. Try to avoid running up 2nd gear too deep into the vibration, since it just might be a tranny gear issue, and see how it goes the gremlin could shake out. If it's a crank balancer issue that you only feel in second gear that will spread and you will feel it in other gears in time (3rd) and then it's time to open it up and dig into it. "The Man" @ Bonneville Performance near Daytona (Port Orange) might be worth a call for crank related questions. His name escapes me G.H. initials i think 310-493-4556
Glad you didn't take the advice of "trade it in" which means it just becomes someone elses problem. There are too many low lifes that think is the answer to all problems. Learn to live with it and try not to keep it in the vibration zone if you can help it. A different oil may well help. Many guys with Honda VTX model have gone over to Shell diesel oil (can't remember the name of it) and are happy. Oil change is cheaper than a strip down. Best of luck.
I had a similar issue for a bit. I had high frequency vibrations around 3500rpm. Approx 6K miles on the bike. You could feel it in the pegs and the tank. Ran it by my go-to guru at Moto Richmond and he told me this type of thing will happen from time to time with Triumphs. Not the reply I was hoping for but it did sort itself out not long after.
I had a similar issue for a bit. I had high frequency vibrations around 3500rpm. Approx 6K miles on the bike. You could feel it in the pegs and the tank. Ran it by my go-to guru at Moto Richmond and he told me this type of thing will happen from time to time with Triumphs. Not the reply I was hoping for but it did sort itself out not long after.
I hope that is the case. Right now it is more of a nuisance when riding in town than something that I feel is dangerous. I'm hoping it doesn't get worse. Right now my plan is to live with it. I've got my eye out for a wrecked bike with a good engine. That will be much cheaper than digging that deep into this one. If anyone knows of something like that, let me know. Wiling to travel.
I hope that is the case. Right now it is more of a nuisance when riding in town than something that I feel is dangerous. I'm hoping it doesn't get worse. Right now my plan is to live with it. I've got my eye out for a wrecked bike with a good engine. That will be much cheaper than digging that deep into this one. If anyone knows of something like that, let me know. Wiling to travel.
I had a similar issue for a bit. I had high frequency vibrations around 3500rpm. Approx 6K miles on the bike. You could feel it in the pegs and the tank. Ran it by my go-to guru at Moto Richmond and he told me this type of thing will happen from time to time with Triumphs. Not the reply I was hoping for but it did sort itself out not long after.
When you say it sorted itself out what does that mean? Part failed or noise worked out reduced?
I had a similar issue for a bit. I had high frequency vibrations around 3500rpm. Approx 6K miles on the bike. You could feel it in the pegs and the tank. Ran it by my go-to guru at Moto Richmond and he told me this type of thing will happen from time to time with Triumphs. Not the reply I was hoping for but it did sort itself out not long after.
This is both interesting and depressing. I have an America that has always seemed a bit buzzy. I've tinkered with a couple of different maps, confirmed throttle balance with TuneEcu, and recently had 12K service completed (not at Moto Richmond). I thought I'd try Moto Richmond to see if they might be able to come up something. I'm scheduled there in a couple of weeks, but maybe it's a lost cause.
FWIW Moto Richmond is by far the best Triumph outfit I’ve ever dealt with. I was recommended them by my Ohlins rep when I told him that all the Triumph shops in my AO are sh-t.

When Ohlins is singing your praises, that’s saying something.

They’ll put forth a genuine effort at a minimum.
FWIW Moto Richmond is by far the best Triumph outfit I’ve ever dealt with. I was recommended them by my Ohlins rep when I told him that all the Triumph shops in my AO are sh-t.

When Ohlins is singing your praises, that’s saying something.

They’ll put forth a genuine effort at a minimum.
Good to know. They're a bit of a hike for me. Hopefully it's worth it.
3 hours each way is more keen than I have ever been. Maybe the Ohlins rep just gets along well with the Moto Richmond owner. I like more than one recomendation, but I am a cynic. Best of luck on your quest.
I don't get offended by the internet.

W/all due respect, you're basically making recommendations by recommending nothing, that are not even potential solutions, nor are they productive. If your going to help someone, help them. Don't add to their plight by merely "what if-ing" them or conjecture.
Please look at my earlier reply. My 2 cents. 20-50 Castrol part syn activo oil. Ride it for 2-3 tank fulls taking it easy in 2nd. Call Bonneville Performance in Port Orange Fl and ask them about the problem, they know Cranks and these engines they balance and race them. If no satisfaction then truck it to a certified Triumph dealer who has an experienced bottom up rebuild guy who you talk to on the phone and really wants to help you. Good luck damn gremlins.
You have very low mileage for the year of your bike. Looks to be about 1K per year. Have you owned it since new?
What kind of fuel do you use? Almost sounds like it could be a partially gummed up fuel system. Do you use a fuel system cleaner from time to time?
For a bike to develope a vibration in the crank seems odd to me as most bits down there are pretty robust, and for something to "move" and cause a vibration at lower RPMs in only one gear just seems more odd.

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