As a Vietnam Veteran, I still have very mixed feelings about Veterans Day. To me, its mostly a sham excuse for government employees to get another day off. Over 50,000 U.S. soldiers died in Vietnam, and few if any survivors got any support or welcome home from anyone other than their immediate family. My first greeter in the US upon my return was a surly, smart-ass, customs clerk who considered all Vietnam Vets to be known drug smugglers who were unfit to enter the USA.
Just last week I got a certified copy of my DD214 (discharge record) from the government, and found that it contained almost as many errors as correct facts. I know the U.S. government doesn't give a damn about vets or their supposed rights.
I have a friend who is a Vietnam Vet with a combat injury to one of his knees; he has to wear a massive brace and must use a cane to walk and is in constant pain. Surgery can fix his problem immediately, but the VA recently told him to lose 100 lbs (he's 6' 1" and weighs 245 lbs.) and and then wait one year afterwards to see if that doesn't alleviate the pain; then if it doesn't they will consider corrective surgery. I sure wish they were as cautious in sending soldiers into harms way.
Thank yous are just a start. Our foreign war vets need tangible support. I suggest you kick some liberal ass democrat in the balls today; that would be very heart warming to me.