I almost bought one this past summer. I would have bought it except the dealer passed away. I do have sidecar experience. But I have ddecided that I will add a sidecar to a Bonneville T120 and avoid the 1950's technology of the Ural.
I almost bought one this past summer. I would have bought it except the dealer passed away. I do have sidecar experience. But I have ddecided that I will add a sidecar to a Bonneville T120 and avoid the 1950's technology of the Ural.
I rode a 2012 Ural Patrol for 4 years and it was a great bike. Got tired of three wheels and sold it to buy a 1970 triumph T100C. Had not one problem with it and would carry a lot of stuff almost anywhere!
I would own both if I could afford it.
Great and very unique ride.
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