As you can see by my flag, I am in Canada. We finally have and internet connections that is usable. We have been on the road since April 6th. We spent a week in Selinsgrove, PA and then traveled to Milton, Ontario, Canada. We arrived here on the 15th of April. The Wi-Fi was so bad that we subscribed to a local service. So now I have decent connection.
Why are we in Canada? Mabel is heavy into martial arts. She practices karate, aikido, and Japanese sword. The head of of her school of karate for all of North America is located in Burlington Canada and she is practicing with him. We will be here until June 15th. Mabel is preparing to test for her 4th degree black belt. No, she doesn't practice on me!!

Now an update on my health. I flew home for a post op eye surgery appointment two weeks ago. My eye is doing well; the retina is in place. My body is not producing the eye fluid rapidly enough to replace the air that was injected into my eye. The doc prescribed a steroid eye drop that she hoes will speed up the process. I have another appointment in June and I'll see how it worked.
Meanwhile, I am riding and exploring Ontario - lovely country. Is anyone on the forum located in Ontario? If so,I would love to meet you and ride with you. Unfortunately, I am a long way from Rocky.
My test results from the national lab on my prostate came back questionable. They decided to monitor my PSA monthly. I will have another PSA check in June.
I have a lot of catching up to do on the forum.
Why are we in Canada? Mabel is heavy into martial arts. She practices karate, aikido, and Japanese sword. The head of of her school of karate for all of North America is located in Burlington Canada and she is practicing with him. We will be here until June 15th. Mabel is preparing to test for her 4th degree black belt. No, she doesn't practice on me!!

Now an update on my health. I flew home for a post op eye surgery appointment two weeks ago. My eye is doing well; the retina is in place. My body is not producing the eye fluid rapidly enough to replace the air that was injected into my eye. The doc prescribed a steroid eye drop that she hoes will speed up the process. I have another appointment in June and I'll see how it worked.
Meanwhile, I am riding and exploring Ontario - lovely country. Is anyone on the forum located in Ontario? If so,I would love to meet you and ride with you. Unfortunately, I am a long way from Rocky.
My test results from the national lab on my prostate came back questionable. They decided to monitor my PSA monthly. I will have another PSA check in June.
I have a lot of catching up to do on the forum.