Up late or up early

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At time I notice some members are online at all sorts of hours of the night. So are you up late or just the early birds. I have never been great friends with sleep and tend to wake up constantly through the night. As I am normally up on a working day at around 04:30am I tend to try and go to sleep before 10pm to try and get a few hours in before it all starts for the new day.
dave i suffered with insomnia for 15 years never sleeping more than 2-3 hours a night , but in the last 6-7 years i sleep well now.
but i am most definatly an early bird ,i go to bed between 9-10 in the week and get up about 5am .
im on line through the day becouse im home for tea braeks and dinner,as i work 100 yards from home now.( im done with the 120+ miles a day round trips to work !! )
well I've not been working since mid dec so I pretty much go to bed when I feel like it and normally get up at first light.
I,m not totally comfortable in any position for long, and have a typical old prostate so am usually up three or four times thru the night.
Now that the nights are getting longer, I can usually stay in bed till about 6.30,but thru the high summer I would struggle to stay in bed after 5.
Mind you,I have no problem nodding of in front of the pc for half an hour occasionally. :y2:
Always up early - around 4am, 4:30 am. But my 'body clock' seems to think 3am is a good time to wake up :(
And I work from home - my office is about 30 steps from my front door, but since Farside bought me a Galaxy Tab :) I find myself popping in here at all hours - not a good sleeper unless I take drugs :)
I often wake up in the early hours of the morning and have a drink- water in summer and steaming hot cocoa in winter :y2: and often go on the forum and then back to bed. Fortunately I seldom have trouble sleeping.

However, one thing is non negotiable- the obligatory nap on Saturday and Sunday afternoons :y45:!
Im thinking 4:30 that yous get up sounds like the middle of the night,but with daylight saving over here that would actually be 5:30, which would be my normal get up time anyway.
Thankfully, I've never had a sleep problem.
When I was younger I could sleep 7-8 hours a night, but as I got older 6-7 is about all I can do.
My body clock wants me to go to bed at about 11:00 PM and that's about all I can handle. I'm usually awake at 6-6:30 AM. I turn on the PC and spend some time at it before breakfast.
I wake momentarily to change position during the night, but never get up. My 74 year-old prostate is working just fine :y2:
But I do admit that I've fallen asleep at the PC. During the winter when I'm home a lot I sometimes take a PM nap.
As a shift worker I'm on line at all different times. We work 12 hour shifts, 5AM to 5PM or 5PM to 5AM so on days off my sleep pattern can be all screwed up. By nature I'm a night owl and I HATE working days.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
The way our shifts work I get one 8 day weekend every 28 day cycle giving me 13 long weekends to go with my vacation time. While working days I don't get much done when I get home.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
That is a lot of time off, when I did it I would just work from 10pm to 4am as these were the hours the equipment was less busy for us to work on it. So I could sleep from around 4:30am and be up at 11am and have the rest of the day to myself
On nights I get home around 5:45, in bed around 8:00 up at 3:15 or 3:30 and headed back to work at 4:00.

On days I'm home by 6:00, try to be in bed by 8:30, up at 4:00 and headed out the door at 4:25.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.

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