Here you go, Gromit:
I always try to do that. Even though we converted to metric decades ago I was brought up on Imperial and never fully converted. I bounce back and forth between the two, but am only really comfortable with Imperial.
I know instantly what Imperial units are, but have to pause and think about what it is in metric.
I'm pretty good with temp and mph/kph since I use them a lot, but weights and volumes still puzzle me some.[/QUOTE
working in a sawmill i constantly have to work between metric and imperial mesurments ! the sawmill is in imperial and people order in metric ,so you have to be able to convert from one t other all the time.[/lang]
Now that would be a real pain![/QUOT
it is but you get used to it , but i am a 1/32 to 20ft man my self[/lang]
good luck
Still gunna miss seeing that America,this place is overrun with tigers.
Got nothing personally against the tigers,I just think the America pulls a better class of rider.![]()
[lang=cy]tigers rule :rock:[/lang]