UK To Ban Petrol Motorcycles By 2035

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All may not be entirely dark. Electric vehicles, like fax machines, may prove to be a short-lived stopgap.

Hydrogen presents particular problems for motorcycles, less so for cars but there is a new, (old kid) on the block, ammonia.
It has been used before in wartime, and to power the fastest aircraft ever built.
It can be made simply from air & water, (and electricity) and its wastes are water & nitrogen.
Existing petrol & diesel engines are apparently easily retro modified to use it, and it can be distributed vis existing infrastructure and poses no more risk/handling problems than petrol apparently. Two stumbling blocks have hindered its uptake previously.

One has been that it has been dirty & energy-hungry to produce alongside petroleum products.
These problems are in the process of being overcome, particularly with the ever decreasing cost of renewable electricity sources.

In fact, you may eventually be able to produce it at home from a unit the size of a double door fridge freezer. Then watch your road taxes skyrocket!
Still, roads have to be made & maintained and nobody works for nowt, even if they'd like to.

No 2 problem has been the vested interests of the petroleum producers & suppliers but as they come to realise the finiteness of source product & the way the world is changing, they are beginning to embrace diversification, rather than die, like so many predecessors.

I saw that lithium carbonate for LI batteries topped USD30,000 per ton a little while ago, then there is all that cobalt from dubious sources, and China's near stranglehold on the rare earth supply for super magnets and all sort of other things. Who wouldn't want to develop a clean energy source for transportation & industry they could generate at home with no foreign dependency?

I think you might actually have bigger issues pending with the development of "black box flight recorders' for all vehicles, in the name of "safety" of course and that is hard to argue against, especially as trucks, as well as aircraft, are already fitted with much of this stuff!
Look at BMW's vision for the future, "you won't need a helmet as the bike won't let you fall off", ( or anything else either)
Your own vehicle will dob you in for the most minor infringements, and with satellite internet coverage everywhere in the world, it will dob you in from anywhere.
That's real big brother!
There is a major s$%& storm coming, across the world over this.
The one thing that never gets mentioned is air travel. I would love to see the pollution figures pre pandemic of quite how much all this air travel produces, including the flights that shuttle the new EV batteries back and forth across the globe. Zero emission planes are not even remotely feasible so they simply ignore them. Just going for the Green vote with easy targets such as motorcycles. UK so needs to get rid of Boris.
Just signed up for solar panels last week . They’re so busy here it will be 6 months before I get them . Will be getting enough to supply 94 % of my Electric bill , which is my home’s total energy , electric heat / ICF construction . With grants available and zero % financing they will be mine in 12 years and my monthly payment will be about $25 a month more than it is now .
Just trying to do my bit , by the time it’s paid for I’ll probably have the electric tricycle.
Welcome to

Back in the day when we were mandated to give up leaded fuel it was perceived by many as the end of the world . Six litre Corvettes went from 350 HP to 180 overnight but it wasn’t that long before the manufacturers made the changes they claimed for years were impossible . They won’t make any big changes unless they are forced to , that’s just the way it goes . This electric thing will probably come quicker and smoother than we think . Better start looking for the baseball cards now .
I suppose my Scrambler might be my last IC bike and I would certainly consider an electric motorcycle when I no longer want to ride on multi-day trips, assuming there are technical advances that do improve range.

Currently a Zero DSR with the optional power pack still only has a highway range of 160 kms (100 miles).

I regularly do a roughly 250 km (155 mile) loop through the foothills where there are no gas stations for 160 kms (100 miles). The entire 250 km loop is a comfortable range on a tank of gas for all the bikes I've had - I can fill up in town on the way out and ditto on the way back. To try to do that on an electric bike without freaking out I'd have to have a guaranteed 300km range especially as door-to-door from my house adds another 20 kms or so.

If I could fast charge after 160 kms where there is currently a gas station that would work, except there's currently no charging station within another 90 kms, so even though the current Zero technology is almost there, the infrastructure isn't. I'm assuming it would take far too long to charge from a regular outlet for that to be a viable option. (I couldn't find a recharge time specified and Zero only indicate that's an option for overnight charging. An hour on a level 2 charger adds 94 miles range though.)

I'm currently half way through re-watching Long Way Up. It's an okay watch but the use of a diesel generator, the Rivian trucks being tow charged by a semi and their Sprinter van and the low daily mileages with long stops to recharge all goes to show the technology isn't there yet. And they couldn't have done it at all if Rivian hadn't installed EV charging stations along the route.

We all assume the technology will improve but will it be enough?
Watch CA USA, it will fail there in a big way and hopefully slow the rush to electric vehicles.
I expect it won’t be as fast a transition that some optimists think. Some other energy form is inevitable. It may not even turnout to be electricity. Considering the number of combustion engine vehicles, I’m betting there will be retrofit systems for cleaner burning fuels rather than a complete transition to electric vehicles. Besides, one has to be honest, while an electric vehicle doesn’t pollute, manufacturing it’s parts, batteries and the electric energy does. We don’t have 100 percent clean electric production yet. And I agree with Vector, I don’t see any part of the USA making this transition easily or quickly. Hell, we can’t even transition to the metric system. The USA is a slow big ship, it doesn’t turn or stop quickly and certainly won’t make a 180 very fast. Do I think clean energy is a must, yes I do. Sooner the better, but I’d hope to see better transition plans than what I’m hearing.
I expect it won’t be as fast a transition that some optimists think. Some other energy form is inevitable. It may not even turnout to be electricity. Considering the number of combustion engine vehicles, I’m betting there will be retrofit systems for cleaner burning fuels rather than a complete transition to electric vehicles.

They should be looking at alternative ways to achieve zero emissions but seem to have already decided that EV's are the only solution. The UK regulation has banned internal combustion, so unless they change that alternative fuels, however clean, are not an option. Basically it's a very short-sighted law that panders to the left-wing / environmentalists and bears little relationship to reality.

I hope some common sense prevails but I'm not holding my breath.
Very few drivers here in Oz use Eco petrol. It's only 2c cheaper a litre and you lose around 6C per litre in less fuel economy. Watch Youtube and you get a very clear idea what has happened in the US where it seems straight fuel is hard to find. Is this correct? Guys repairing generators, lawn mowers etc all blame Ethanol for clogging carbs and rusting out tanks. They make a living repairing the damage it causes. So what is the real cost of having to use Ethanol considering the problems it creates? Take a look at Youtube videos out of India and tell me they are within 100 years of being environmentally friendly. I agree with Rocky, for the most part electric will not be the answer. Ever been near a wind generator. Low frequency hell from the noise and pretty hopeless so where is all this extra electricity supply actually going to come from? Solar panels in orbit with extra long extension leads? Power from the Moon circling the earth as one half of a giant generator.
An alternative fuel for IC engines has to be the way forward. And what happens to my 67 Bonneville when they tax the hell out of petrol or ban it completely? Not happy!
I keep a five gallon gas container with ethanol free for my Triumph. Admittedly I do have to travel a bit to fill it. I usually fill whatever vehicle I take with ethanol free as well.
The entire ethanol and biodiesel strategy is ridiculous. It makes no sense scientifically or environmentally.

In the United States, the cultivation of corn for ethanol now requires a staggering 38 million acres of land—an area larger than the state of Illinois. By comparison, the total area of cropland used to produce grains and vegetables that humans eat is only about twice that acreage. In other words, the U.S. devotes enough land to corn-ethanol production to feed 150 million people.

Palm-oil biodiesel may have 80 percent lower emissions than regular diesel, but much of that palm oil is grown on land cleared of tropical rain forests, and when you take that reduced carbon-capture into account, according to a 2009 United Nations report, palm-oil biodiesel may result in 800 percent more carbon emissions than fossil-fuel diesel.
Had completely forgotten about e fuel , haven’t been to see my American cousins for years . Growing corn or whatever to replace fossil fuels , who ever did the numbers on that one could have gotten elected . Putting the price up with taxation is the only way that comes to mind to discourage fuel usage . My family is one of the worst offenders . Four of us will show up at a hockey game ,all driving a different rig and we live within a half mile of each other . When I was still in business and people would complain about gas prices being too high I would counter with , no they’re not high enough and I’ll show you how I know that to be factual . “Have a look at the vehicles lined up for the intersection in front of my shop “ I would say . F 150 4x4 , Ram 4x4 , Silverado 4x4 , the customer would reply . Yes and all driven by Lawyers and Accountants , when the price of gas is too high they’ll all be driving a Prius . Maybe you couldn’t get elected with that kind of bluntness but business was good

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