This can be like an oil thread - open to many opinions.
If they are the same sizes as Dunlop I would run the same pressures - although 25 on the rear seems a little low to me.
I weight 190 pounds and run 24 in the front 3:25x18, and 28 in the rear 3:50x18 on my bikes.
I've used these pressure for years in various brands of tires. The bikes handle and ride well with no apparent problems.
But in the end I would go to the source, Avon, and ask them.
Max operating pressure specs are molded into the sidewalls.
For extended highway use or higher speeds, bring them well up to temp, THEN adjust pressure (it will likely be a tad high).
Avon knows best of course, but those pressures seem high to me too. Give them a go and see how the bike rides.Thanks to all who responded.
I did contact Avon and they have recommended 29 psi front and 33 psi back tyre pressures. Seems a bit high to me so I reckon it's a case of suck it and see.
That 1 lb air for every 10 lbs body weight over 150 seems waaay too much. I suspect that certain riders would then exceed the tire manufacturer's maximum pressure quite easily.