Two New Additions to the Family

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At the end of January, I popped down to the Kitty Haven rescue centre to give them a helping hand and came home with 2 new kittens! :y2: One is a x-Russian Blue male called Stitch aka Scruffy Boy and he's an absolute cuddle-bug and if he could, would spend all day and night on some unsuspecting human being's lap. He unfortunately had a rough start to life with a depressed immune system and spent 2 weeks in hospital being spoilt rotten by the vet staff. He now thinks he's a little Lord and only wants tuna and chicken! But I think his rough start has stunted him because he's now 3 1/2 months old and still very small - not much bigger than he was when I got him. The other is a x-Bengal female. Now she's a character of note. I knew nothing about Bengals when I got her but wow, have I learnt. They're maniacal cats to say the least. They love water, so she jumps in the shower, are easily trained and respond like a dog to commands, are absolute rulers of household. Her name is Lilo and she's got me around her furry little paw without reservation! She's soooo naughty. So far, she's nicked a piece of salmon off Farside's plate and piece of lamb off mine - she's so darn quick about it too - before you can blink, she's in, on the table, grabbed the food and bulleted out the window. I've never seen any cat as fast as Lilo! She's like a juggernaut! When I want to give the other kitties a treat, I have to lock her away, feed the other 2 and when they've had enough, let the juggernaut loose! I have NEVER seen a cat attack meat like this - ever. Actually, I've never had a cat like Lilo in all aspects. If she'll sit still for a moment, I'd be able to get a decent photo of her but oh no, not Miss Madam! The Bengals don't have 'fur' - they're so silky their fur is referred as a 'pelt'. I'm now so besotted with this kitkat that I'm considering getting a full Bengal just so that she has a companion who can keep up with her - all the other cats are left in her dust-trail as she flies through the house - they just can't keep up with her. The other night when it was raining like crazy here, she was out in the rain dancing and prancing around have a ball. My great big dogs? In the house, snuggled up with their blankets! Just gotta love the furry bums :y2:
I read this with a knowing smile on my face.
I've rescued a few cats over the years and my daughter has rescued cats and a dog.
They certainly do have different personalities.
Rocky, Lilo doesn't have personality - she has cattitude in spades! If you google Bengals, look at how beautiful they are. I've never been so totally and utterly smitten with a cat as I am with Lilo. My best best companion was my border collie, Kalainey who died a few years ago at the age of 20 - I never thought I'd find another animal who would grab my heart like Kalainey did until Lilo came along!

- - - Updated - - -

Oh and anyone who rescues furry bums, is tops in my book!
I forgot to mention that my daughter's dog is named Lilo too.
This is her.


and Hudson the big tom cat.

Hudson 1.JPG
I've volunteered with a Rottweiler Rescue group and sometimes it's hard to come home empty handed, good on you for taking these two into your home. I'll have to look up the Bengal as the only Bengal I'm familiar with doesn't make a good house cat. :y2:
I've got a problem with cats.
I honestly like them and MANY years ago kept a couple but, I've seen so many of our native creatures killed by cats, just for sport.
My daughters cat kills something every day, I'm not happy about it but can't go over to her place and kill her cat can I?
Hahaha! I was also thinking 'Bengal????' It's not a pure breed but a x with a wild Asian Bengal cat and a domestic cat. They're now in the 6th tier of breeding so from what I can understand, it can now be classified as a cat 'breed'. I can just imagine my neighbours faces with a 'Bengal' prowling the neighbourhood
I've got a problem with cats.
I honestly like them and MANY years ago kept a couple but, I've seen so many of our native creatures killed by cats, just for sport.
My daughters cat kills something every day, I'm not happy about it but can't go over to her place and kill her cat can I?

I totally concur,and I also like cats.
But since our last one passed away a couple of years back,the bird presence on my property has quadrupled.However they must park in the trees,cos my dog feels the lawn is her territory.
Gromit, good for you. As you know, we have a rescue cat that was about 3 months old when we got him. He, too, is quite a character and rules the house. The two dogs defer to him. :y2:
I looked up the Bengal, I have seen them before in an article but didn't remember it until I saw a photo. I'm not a cat person . . . well other than my Tiger . . . and there has only been one 4-legged cat I got along with but the Bengal breed does look interesting.