At the end of January, I popped down to the Kitty Haven rescue centre to give them a helping hand and came home with 2 new kittens!
One is a x-Russian Blue male called Stitch aka Scruffy Boy and he's an absolute cuddle-bug and if he could, would spend all day and night on some unsuspecting human being's lap. He unfortunately had a rough start to life with a depressed immune system and spent 2 weeks in hospital being spoilt rotten by the vet staff. He now thinks he's a little Lord and only wants tuna and chicken! But I think his rough start has stunted him because he's now 3 1/2 months old and still very small - not much bigger than he was when I got him. The other is a x-Bengal female. Now she's a character of note. I knew nothing about Bengals when I got her but wow, have I learnt. They're maniacal cats to say the least. They love water, so she jumps in the shower, are easily trained and respond like a dog to commands, are absolute rulers of household. Her name is Lilo and she's got me around her furry little paw without reservation! She's soooo naughty. So far, she's nicked a piece of salmon off Farside's plate and piece of lamb off mine - she's so darn quick about it too - before you can blink, she's in, on the table, grabbed the food and bulleted out the window. I've never seen any cat as fast as Lilo! She's like a juggernaut! When I want to give the other kitties a treat, I have to lock her away, feed the other 2 and when they've had enough, let the juggernaut loose! I have NEVER seen a cat attack meat like this - ever. Actually, I've never had a cat like Lilo in all aspects. If she'll sit still for a moment, I'd be able to get a decent photo of her but oh no, not Miss Madam! The Bengals don't have 'fur' - they're so silky their fur is referred as a 'pelt'. I'm now so besotted with this kitkat that I'm considering getting a full Bengal just so that she has a companion who can keep up with her - all the other cats are left in her dust-trail as she flies through the house - they just can't keep up with her. The other night when it was raining like crazy here, she was out in the rain dancing and prancing around have a ball. My great big dogs? In the house, snuggled up with their blankets! Just gotta love the furry bums