Jerry Anderson
What is the best way to get more noticeable power from my 99 adventurer
What is the best way to get more noticeable power from my 99 adventurer
Hi Jerry, That's a good question and I may or may not have any simple answers! I know when I was restoring my 1995 T-Bird one thing I did is the rubber connections that holds the carburetors (Venturi) to the head flange can and is internally very restrictive. The T-Bird Sport use a less restrictive ID and in looking a the parts book they are called the Venturi Part # TT2200001. When I started riding the restored T-Bird even with the different gearing setup, I found that when I added throttle, it was much more responsive feel!What is the best way to get more noticeable power from my 99 adventurer
Funny guyTrade it in for a Rocket III?