Traffic Cameras Managed by Aussie Company in the USA

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I was listening to a talk radio program last evening and this story came-up.

Evidently there are States in the USA which have traffic cameras set up to catch people running traffic lights. These traffic light cameras are installed and managed by a company in Australia.

How it works is that local municipalities vote to contract with this Australian company to install and then monitor and manage everything. In other words, a city council decides to contact with the Australian company which installs the cameras and then they manage all the results. The city doesn't have to do anything except receive a portion of the fines. The Australian company gets a "cut" of all the fines. In Arizona, the money goes to the Australian company, the city or State, and also a portion goes into a fund called "Clean Elections".

"Clean Elections" is a program in Arizona whereas politicians get the proceeds donated to their election campaign coffers. It was said that so far candidates for public office have received 1/2 a Billion dollars in fine revenue for their campaigns.

The man who was being interviewed about it is fighting to have this arrangement stopped. He claims that while the government is doing it in the name of safety, accident number have actually INCREASED at intersections where these cameras are installed. I wish I had been the radio interviewer because I would have asked him exactly HOW installing traffic cameras at traffic lights could INCREASE accidents. He never explained how that's possible, but his statistics were astounding (he claimed at one intersection, accidents increased 467%).

But here's the part that REALLY seems unethical and actually possibly illegal in the USA:

Evidently when you get a ticket in the mail, it contains a picture of your vehicle crashing through the red light. far so good. But then if you want to dispute the ticket for any reason, you don't go before a traffic judge, but you call the Toll Free telephone number and an employee at the Australian company decides your fate!

He's not even in the USA!!!

And of course, there's little incentive for these employee judges to EVER find you not guilty since the company (and the politicians) get a cut of your fine.

He also said that thousands of these tickets are completely bogus, but you cannot win. He explained that in Arizona it is legal to make a right turn on red if the traffic coming the other way is clear. BUT< since the light is still red, the camera tales your picture as you make the right turn on red. As soon as your front bumper crosses the white line, regardless of if you are making a legal right-on-red turn, it snaps your picture and then the company "judge" says they have the proof you crashed through a red light and you have to pay the fine.

I plan to look for more information on the Internet about this story as it all seems just too weird. What do you think?
The red light cameras in Jacksonville, Palm Coast, Central Florida, and the Tampa Bay area are installed and maintained by a company right here in Altamonte Springs. I have a good friend who is a supervisor for that company. The company also contracts with FL DOT and various municipalities to install and maintain traffic lights. This company does not monitor the red light runners. That is done by another company located in the US. Whether it is Aussie owned or not I have no idea.

FL state law does not allow red light cameras; but it does allow municipalities to install them. Running a red light and getting caught by a camera does not affect your drivers license; there are no points. The fine is a municipal fine.
Good to know.....and harkens back to the global economy conversation going on elsewhere here on TT. Seems EVERYTHING is outsourced these days!?!?!?!
I need to call my Mom and make sure I was REALLY made in America! :y2:
Statistically, the cameras reduce accidents significantly. Here they are installed at intersections with high accident rates. I can see where they might increase the number of rear end collisions with drivers trying to beat yellow and the car in front of them doesn't try. I know; I almost had one of those. :y2: But overall, they reduce accidents caused by red light runners.
from oz there are good to slow down hoons on the roads. there is a time frame were the camaras will miss poeple running red lights i know do it a few times now
Thanks for the link. In reading through the comments, I noticed that LEO's were/are involved in enforcing the results of red light camera photos. That ties up law enforcement resources. Further, for traffic violations, courts across the nation have ruled a LEO must witness the violation in order to issue a ticket. Here in Florida, red light camera enforcement is done by the municipalities in much the same manor as zoning violations are enforced. LEO's are not involved. It is a violation of an ordinance;, not a traffic violation. In short, it is a revenue generator.
Anyone have a clue why installing cameras at an intersection would increase accidents?

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR

I think what you will find here is that they did not increase the accidents but rather they were able to record all the accidents and get more accurate idea of how many that actually occurred. I would think that a lot were just never reported before this
I don't know. Most accidents over here are reported for insurance purposes. Only minor fender benders are not reported because one party agrees to pay cash for the damage rather than have it go against his insurance record.
In Texas all intersections with a red light camera must be marked as having a red light camera. All tickets issued are reviewed by a LEO and the picture alone is not enough, there must be a video that shows you did not stop along with the still photo or there must be a rapid series of photos to show you did not stop. The cop then reviews and decides if you did or did not stop. You are issued a traffic ticket for an infraction.

The increased accidents come from folks stopping instead of crossing on a yellow which then causes them to be rear ended. They see the warning sign or the public notices that also have to be posted and know the camera is at the intersection.

The company that sets up most of the lights in Texas is located in Arizona. The company receives a portion of any and all fines collected by their cameras. They project they will make several million dollars a year from the cameras and the cities will really rake in the money.

One city has decided that a stop is 5 seconds in length or longer even thou the State of Texas has it written on the books as stating a stop is defined as coming to a complete stop, no time limit is stipulated.

One of the biggest problems is the car owner, not the driver is ticketed in these incidents.

In order to be ticketed the yellow light must be a specific duration or the ticket is thrown out. Area lawyers are out timing the lights and collecting video evidence of the infractions of the timing issue.

There is a big legal fight going on in Houston and some other areas of Texas between the citizens and the local government. The citizens voted to turn off the cameras and the city of Houston refused. Federal Appeals were filed and the City was ordered to follow the results of the vote. Now the camera company has filed a breech of contract lawsuit against the city for not providing them with their portion of the fines generated by the cameras. The city is crying to the public that they need to turn the cameras back on so they can collect the fines to pay the camera company.

A couple of lawyers are already preparing the next lawsuit against the city if they turn the cameras back on. This could get interesting before it is over.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
I am glad. The city is getting what it deserves. Florida has avoided all that since violations are violations of local ordinance rather than violations of state traffic laws. Like Texas, there must be a video that shows the car did not stop along with an audio that shoes there were no emergency vehicles approaching the intersection and the driver was trying to get out of the way.
hi down here in oz if we pass a red light man if the cameras catch you to bad to sad $280 and 4 points witch sucks the cash is ok but points takes 3 years to get them back

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