You may have seen on the news, some tornadoes hit the South, one just missed us 1:30 AM Monday morning, just got elect. back late yesterday. A EF 1, 17 miles long and 1/2 mile wide with 110 MPH winds pushed over 2 trees and twisted a top out of a large Oak that missed our house literally by inches. No one was killed or hurt locally, and it did little damage to houses, everybody must be living right because it destroyed a massive amount of trees, barns, farm equipment and eliminated alot of electrical services. One death i heard about over the news that happened in N. Mississippi was a woman that slid off the road and was trapped in her car called 911, the car was filling up with with water, she drowned before anyone could get to her, i understand this really happened, had to be a terrible way to die. Anyway check out these pictures the tree that is leaning over our house is trapped in another tree that is bigger, looks like its secured well, we will have to get a tree service to remove it. I need my luck to hold out a little longer! Got to go, have to put a new chain on my saw and continue to cut wood.