Good evening gentlemen. Its looking like i might finally get to start work on my project "Resurection 2". After being sent the wrong headgasket, then having one put on back order, i do believe i have one - the right one coming this time. I have a question i think you guys can help me with..i read that on the black motor, the head gaskets that came from the factory were junk, so they made better ones so that the failure wouldnt keep occurring. Im not sure exsactly what brand gasket i have coming, but i know it aint OEM, so is there some sort of preparation i have to do with the aftermarket gasket. Some of the guys were talking about some sort of a sealer, and i was always taught to not use anything on head gaskets. This is a one shot deal with me, so im gonna do this to the best of my ability( cause if it fails, ive gotta buy another motor, but dont tell my wife). Its been way too long getting this done, and i wanna ride her in the worst way(heres your opening guys, let it rip). So please let me know if theres any little tricks to do on this Beast. Thanks for your time Gents. Scotty Bates