Time flies when you're having fun

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
I had another birthday last week :y37::y47: :y20: but I suppose it beats the heck out of not having had another birthday :y2:
The thought then occurred to me that it was almost exactly six years ago today that I made the down payment on a new T100 that was still on a ship at sea and expected at the dealership in mid January.
I can hardly believe that it was that long ago - or that the 2012's will soon be here!
The T100 was more or less a belated birthday gift to myself and an early Christmas gift, but I had been thinking about buying one for 2-3 years. I was waiting for the right colours to show up, but nothing was reaching out and grabbing me. Colour is important to me and I have to love what I see whan I look at the bike.
I still wasn't that thrilled with the 2006 colour choices, but I wasn't getting any younger and I was anxious to buy one so I chose the black/red combo. It looked very much like the Trident colours from the 70's.
With all that chrome and black paint it's a great combo and I keep the old girl sparkling.
Right now she's residing in my warm and dry basement (along with her old British relatives and a "foreign" cousin from Asia :y2:) waiting for spring.
I plan to make some mods this winter. I'm going to replace the front brake disc and pads and while I have the wheel off I'm going to install a pair of gaiters, and while I'm doing that I may as well replace the fork springs and oil.
Time does fly when you're having fun.
Happy B-day Rocky!
Sorry Diligaf, stiff upper lip and all, you'll be back on two wheels soon. :y2:

I am 31 years your junior, and hope I can still be enjoying the two wheel lifestyle if I am lucky enough to make that number.

I think you really need to go for a nice long ride to celebrate!
Thanks guys TUP
It's winter here, but no snow and the temps aren't all that cold yet.
Most nights are below freezing, but the days are above freezing. Real winter won't get here for a few more weeks yet.
I'm old enough to remember when winter was winter with lots of snow and very cold temps. Not so these days.
In the past 20-30 years winters have become milder and not so much snow - but then anything can happen so I'm not complacent about it. My snowblower is primed and ready :y2:
In the meantime, I'll polish paint and chrome and fiddle and fettle with the bikes until mid April.
I had another birthday last week :y37::y47: :y20: but I suppose it beats the heck out of not having had another birthday :y2:
The thought then occurred to me that it was almost exactly six years ago today that I made the down payment on a new T100 that was still on a ship at sea and expected at the dealership in mid January.
I can hardly believe that it was that long ago - or that the 2012's will soon be here!
The T100 was more or less a belated birthday gift to myself and an early Christmas gift, but I had been thinking about buying one for 2-3 years. I was waiting for the right colours to show up, but nothing was reaching out and grabbing me. Colour is important to me and I have to love what I see whan I look at the bike.
I still wasn't that thrilled with the 2006 colour choices, but I wasn't getting any younger and I was anxious to buy one so I chose the black/red combo. It looked very much like the Trident colours from the 70's.
With all that chrome and black paint it's a great combo and I keep the old girl sparkling.
Right now she's residing in my warm and dry basement (along with her old British relatives and a "foreign" cousin from Asia :y2:) waiting for spring.
I plan to make some mods this winter. I'm going to replace the front brake disc and pads and while I have the wheel off I'm going to install a pair of gaiters, and while I'm doing that I may as well replace the fork springs and oil.
Time does fly when you're having fun.

A belated happy birthday, my friend. I wish you many more happy, healthy ones. TUP

At age 74 I do resemble that remark :y2: but do I not only resemble it.........it's a fact :y8:
I'm just thankful that I'm still here doing this motor sickle ridin' and stuff :y2:

I am seven years your junior and you inspire me.. You have my respect.

I would like to thank both Carl and Rocky for being older than me.....it feels good to know i'm not older then everyone in the room for once ! :y24: Working in a music school where the average student age is probably 23-25, you can imagine i feel like everyone's great grandfather every time i walk down the hall. :y2:
Thanks Carl.
It's great to be blessed with good health and still be able to ride and do what I enjoy.
So far, age is just a number, but I don't take it for granted.
dazco, let's hope those youngsters will be having as much fun at our ages as we are TUP
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With the exception of my loss of Mae Lyne (and that is a big exception), I am having the time of my life. I am really enjoying life.


A coupla months back I spent 4 days sharing a hospital room with an Irish gentleman who was three weeks off his 103rd birthday
his favourite expression was " it's great to be alive "
he certainly was an inspiration to me. :y16:
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