Thunderbird 900 - K & N individual air filters

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This is one Dazco may be able to help you with.

Possible but it's a Tbird 900.
I know a couple of blokes with Tbird 900's and they have said the std air box is a PITA to work on but I think they have stuck with it, only changing the internal filter, not fitted pods.
Do you have a link to these as I would be interested to see what they look like

Not much of a photo.

Dave, if you look hard at the photo I posted you may see that it's got pods.

Sent using mental telepathy because I'm in teleportation mode at this time.
Sign up at the RAT forum and post the question there. They will know everything down to the smallest detail. Be careful tho....there are some mods there that leave a lot to be desired as human beings. They have a dedicated "classic triples" forum for the thunderbirds and legends here... http://www.other forum/hinckley-classic-triples/