Thunderbird 900 carb sync

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I plan on doing a carb sync on my 2003 thunderbird 900. Can anyone point me to a good website, or even explain here, what the 2 screws for sycronisation do and which one I should start with?

Assuming all else is OK, float heights, filters is clean plugs, blah blah..
The "Master carb" is no2 (on a triple) use the idle screw to set it to about 5" - 6" or 125 - 152mm Hg or at a high idle.
Adjust carb1 (left hand when sitting on bike) and carb3 using the other screws you have spotted, reduce idle speed until desired 950 - 1050 RPM is achieved and balance is maintained.
Enjoy the smooth running lump.
can anyone provide a picture or good instructions for where to hook the vacuum tubes up for carb balancing a 2001 Thunderbird Adventure 900 triple?
I've just seen your post, I have to go out now, but I'll try and post some pictures and instructions on how to balance your carbs from the Triumph workshop manual that I have, as soon as I can, it might be tonight, but more than likely it'll be tomorrow.
It's not difficult to do so don't worry too much about it.
Here you go Mendy, I couldn't scan the Triumph W/S Manual it's too thick and I couldn't get all the info. I've scanned the Haynes manual instead
, and you can see it ok.
Hi and all good stuff. You may have Keihins on a 2001 bike, easy way to tell is if there are 4 screws holding the top cover on. There will be 3 rubber stoppers just where the carbs fit into the mount to cylinder as picture, setting is much the same. Gary's images show Mikuni's


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yes sir, I do have Keihins! says so right there on the side! lol. Got ahead of myself gathering info on my bike while at work getting excited about it. I have the carbs broken down now in cleaning solution fixing to rebuild. Yet one more question....I counted the turns while removing the air jet (I'm sure there is a more proper name) but one carb had a very different amount of turns and I now suspect that the screwdriver I was using on the first two was hitting the metal instead of bottoming out and giving me false information. Where can I find the factory recommended setting of the air jet for comparison?
Thank you all for your information
OK cool, they are an improvement over Mikuni's, good to clean them.
Slow running jets factory setting is 2 full turns out from fully in, they are a bitch to reach when on the bike without a special elbow screwdriver. replace the small O-rings and check the flat washers are present. Also take care to inspect the needle valves and seats as well as the area on the float the valve works on, set float hight to 17.5mm
I would recommend fitting a K&N or similar filter, there is a common air box mod that involves junking the secondary air box (which is mostly about noise reduction), I have done my own version and will try and post some images, you will know by now what a bugger the air box is to remove and an added bonus of the mod is it makes it easier to get on and off; look at this link..Trip Motorpsykos: About T309 triple classics, air filter, the frame and the cylinder in the middle.

Good luck
Got everything cleaned, bench balanced, and put back together with no problems. She is running fantastic! Much better than when I bought her. Thank you all for the information and advice!
I've just synchronized the carbs on my TBird first I took them out done the bench sync as shown on you tube. Then I used the vacuum guages the Haynes manual puts tge tolerance at 127-152 mm hg. My guage is in bar and finally got all three stting at -0.4 Bar. Apparently this equates to 300mm hg. The motor is running fine do I need to worry about these tolerances. I only bought tge bike in September last year hadn't been serviced for years. The twin exhaust was smoking all the time and popping quite a lot seems OK now. I've enclosed.a photo of my guage just to show the - bar as I said when tge bike is warm all the needles are set at four one is slightly under but its not a problem