the rains have come and so have all the wankers

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well there here and wide spread rain that is not much out in it i tell yar still got to get to work now and then
do we have car drivers that see a big pool water and thay have go in it flat out try to wet the bike rider
well i got one the other day he hit the water wet me his **** box stopped i walked back few nice words
would not get out so i made a opening for him driverside window the bloody @@#@#@# just a small chokking
tell you i havehad a gut full them
This side I try and avoid any pool of water in the road as you just never know what may be in it or if any of the manhole covers are missing. However I have also seen this type of behaviour and it is just plain stupid and irresponsible on the drivers part, don't know what they get out of it
Hope you feel better now that you got off your chest - hehehehe! But I hear you - it's the same when drivers don't think about the pedestrian and do the same thing drenching the person - really, really mean and inconsiderate.
Hey Gromit. Looking at your Gene Pool life guard....there is a problem now days. Types that do nasty stuff to you know that they are so protected by legal cotton wool, that the consequences of their actions is ZERO. So the low life continue to breed. Good on you Paul for dealing with it. He will think twice before doing it again. In a country like Australia you can nearly guarantee you won't be confronted by a gun..........but then again, you never know. That's why outlaw motorcycle clubs when on their rides are left well alone. Joe Average perceives them as a threat and the consequences of dicking with them is to have your head kicked in. A single motorcyclist just doesn't present that threat.
Yep, the gooberheaded peckerwoods come out in the rain or anytime there is water pooled in the roads.

There was a live news report a couple weeks ago during the rains in Houston. A delivery truck was coming into the video, the cameraman zoomed toward the truck and you could see him turn the steering wheel so he would hit a puddle and soak two women walking down the side walk. He succeeded, got them soaked and then karma jumped up and bit him in the kitty go-go. The truck didn't turn back to the street, you could see him turn back toward the center but the truck slide into the curb and knocked out a fire hydrant. The cameraman kept videoing and the reporter could he heard laughing and making a rather rude comment.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.

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