The Profound Questions Thread

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The Profound Questions Thread

So In this thread, we ask profound questions, and we get profound answers.


1. You can only ask a question if you're answering one.

2. The question must be some what thought provoking, and try to stay away from yes or no answers.

3. The answers must be equally as intelligent, try to answer with a few sentences.

4. Only one person can answer each question.

5. You may not comment on anything, only answer and ask.

6. When answering a question, quote only the persons question.

My first question:

Is it actually important to be remembered when you are gone? (dead)
Is it actually important to be remembered when you are gone? (dead)

Yes. I believe so. To die and then be forgotten would mean that no living person had ever been touched by one's existance.
Imagine one's children, grandchildren, friends and lovers never thinking of their loss.
Our universe was apparently started with "the big bang".

What exploded?

About 15 billion years ago a tremendous explosion started the expansion of the universe. This explosion is known as the Big Bang. At the point of this event all of the matter and energy of space was contained at one point. What exisisted prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure speculation. This occurance was not a conventional explosion but rather an event filling all of space with all of the particles of the embryonic universe rushing away from each other. The Big Bang actually consisted of an explosion of space within itself unlike an explosion of a bomb were fragments are thrown outward. The galaxies were not all clumped together, but rather the Big Bang lay the foundations for the universe.:y86:
do you believe in fate ?

I am one that does believe in this to a certain degree and feel that your path in life is very much laid out and is changed by certain choices you make along they way. By making these choices you very much would alter the road you take but not the end result.

Q - Are there such things as aliens and UFO's
Q - Are there such things as aliens and UFO's[/QUOTE]

i think so... have seen a few things in my life that make me think yes ! allso i am not arrogant enough to belive that we are the only planet with inteligent life on it .
wether that life came from here before us and then left or wether on its own planet , i refuse to belive out of billians of stars and planets we are alone .
Q.. do you have none religous faith ?

Religous Faith? No, I do not have religous faith. Religous faith is a common misconception for folks that have a Christian, Druid, Jewish or islamic belief or faith. I do have a Christian Faith but do not subscribe to the teachings of most Christian religons which I feel are mostly preaching what their leaders want to be heard and not what the Bible tells us. A man (or woman) in the religon feels that X is bad for you and preaches against it and has their other leaders preach the same message even with it not being covered in the Bible. So to me religous faith is not a true belief whether it is Christian, Jewish, Druid or islamic in nature.
Is global temperature change an endless cycle that is repeating itself or is global climate change a new occurrance?

it is an endless repeating cycle is not new its happend many times before ! aand i do not think we have added anythink to it eather.
theres nothing we have used or made that cant be found in the periodic table or found in the universe !
pilosophy it of any use to us and do we get any benafit from it ? examples ....... say like history you learn from it or exploration you learn something new !
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pilosophy it of any use to us and do we get any benafit from it ? examples ....... say like history you learn from it or exploration you learn something new !

I would say yes we could get benefits from it as it is the study of general and fundamental problems. So if we could understand these we could learn from them and try and not make the same mistakes again.

Q - Can we really communicate with the afterlife
Q - Can we really communicate with the afterlife
I had a conversation with Jimmy Hendrix last week-----but that might just be me-----
I think the real answer is Yes, when the afterlife WANTS to communicate with us :y15:

pilosophy it of any use to us and do we get any benafit from it ?
Well, it is keeping otherwise unemployable "brainiac" types employed talking in circles and getting government grants for doing essentially nothing, maybe or maybe not because we can't actually PROVE any of it...... so there's that.

Case in point check out this link.......if you can get halfway through the page without wanting to punch a Philosophy Major right in the head, your a better man than I.
I had a conversation with Jimmy Hendrix last week-----but that might just be me-----
I think the real answer is Yes, when the afterlife WANTS to communicate with us :y15:

Well, it is keeping otherwise unemployable "brainiac" types employed talking in circles and getting government grants for doing essentially nothing, maybe or maybe not because we can't actually PROVE any of it...... so there's that.

Case in point check out this link.......if you can get halfway through the page without wanting to p0unch a Philosophy Major right in the head, your a better man than I.

That was a good read once I got into it

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