Before I get into the story of the ride, a few words about "Musquodoboit."
The current spelling is a corrupted version by the French centuries ago of a very long native indian word that meant "a wide opening after a narrow entrance."
There are six place names of Musquodoboit; Middle, Center, Upper, Harbour, Valley and River.
Our ride took us inland to Middle which is a small village that has a local bakery/restaurant complex with very good food.
About 20 of us met last Sunday for this annual ride.
When we reached our first rest stop, the club President was having ignition problems with his Norton.
Here we are at the rest stop and Prez trying to fix the problem.
He fiddled with the points and managed to get it running albeit very rough.
He put me in charge and told us to go on and he would catch up so I led the group to Middle. Being in the lead I couldn't see all the riders behind me, so when we got to Middle about 1/3 of the riders were missing - having chosen to stay with the Prez.
The bakery/restaurant complex is small and we were many so half of us stayed while the others motored on to Harbour on the coast which is another small village with places to eat. We would have lunch at Middle and catch up.
When we arrived in Harbour there was some sort of local festival going on and the place was jam packed with cars and people. The other riders were nowhere in sight so it appeared that they had either eaten and gone on or just carried on to get away from the mobs of people.
This meant the we were three groups, each doing their own thing.
While we were pondering what to do in Harbour a text was received that the Norton group had turned back and chose to have lunch on the way home. At least we now knew that they were OK and Prez would make it home.
From Harbour, we motored back towards the cities, stopping for refreshments at a donut shop.
Everyone made it home and in spite of everything it was a great day in the saddle.
The current spelling is a corrupted version by the French centuries ago of a very long native indian word that meant "a wide opening after a narrow entrance."
There are six place names of Musquodoboit; Middle, Center, Upper, Harbour, Valley and River.
Our ride took us inland to Middle which is a small village that has a local bakery/restaurant complex with very good food.
About 20 of us met last Sunday for this annual ride.
When we reached our first rest stop, the club President was having ignition problems with his Norton.
Here we are at the rest stop and Prez trying to fix the problem.
He fiddled with the points and managed to get it running albeit very rough.
He put me in charge and told us to go on and he would catch up so I led the group to Middle. Being in the lead I couldn't see all the riders behind me, so when we got to Middle about 1/3 of the riders were missing - having chosen to stay with the Prez.
The bakery/restaurant complex is small and we were many so half of us stayed while the others motored on to Harbour on the coast which is another small village with places to eat. We would have lunch at Middle and catch up.
When we arrived in Harbour there was some sort of local festival going on and the place was jam packed with cars and people. The other riders were nowhere in sight so it appeared that they had either eaten and gone on or just carried on to get away from the mobs of people.
This meant the we were three groups, each doing their own thing.
While we were pondering what to do in Harbour a text was received that the Norton group had turned back and chose to have lunch on the way home. At least we now knew that they were OK and Prez would make it home.
From Harbour, we motored back towards the cities, stopping for refreshments at a donut shop.
Everyone made it home and in spite of everything it was a great day in the saddle.