The first storm of the winter

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
We're getting hammered by a fairly major nor'easter snow storm that came to us from down Oklahoma way.
They could have kept it and saved us the trouble and I wouldn't have been the least bit disappointed :y2:
These kinds of storm were common 25-30 years ago, but are not that common now.......but you just never know.

We knew it was coming so I serviced the old reliable Craftsman 8hp snow blower and was ready.
I was up at 6:30 and the snow had just started which also brought very high gusting winds with it. 25cm (10") was expected, and we probably are getting/got that much, but with the gusting winds there were snow drifts as high as 60+cm in my driveway.
I donned my gay apparel (Carhartt work duds), fired up the blower and had at it.
It was -12C (10F) when I got up this morning, but it moderated quickly as the storm passed over and the snow was just turning to freezing rain when I went out. I was just in time before the snow got too heavy for the blower to toss very far.
Anyway, it's done, but the wind is still gusting so there will be the need to clean up later with a shovel. There is another storm coming late Tuesday into Wednesday, but is predicted to not be as intense.
That was my relaxing Sunday afternoon. How was yours :y2:
That storm was here early yesterday and it snowed all day long into the evening when it turned to freezing rain. Interstate 80 was closed for a while and there were loads of crashes on I-79 & I-279.

-- Posted with TapaTalk
A high pressure blocked that storm from reaching us; but it was 47F/8C here this morning (Monday). We should see a high of 65F/18C today. Tonight there will be a light freeze across the northern counties from Ocala north.

I finally got around to hooking up my wood burning stove yesterday. Hope to fire it up tomorrow and try it out.

Al Gore could not be reached for comment.....

-- Posted with TapaTalk

LOL! Yeah, 2 years in a row now i have seen a morning where my car's temp gauge read 28 degrees, the coldest morning i have ever seen here in so cal. That damn global warming is going to cause me to freeze to death ! :y2:

If they ever do reach Gore for comment, i imagine i'll sound something like this...."Oh, did i say warming? No no no, i meant COOLING, global cooling".ROTFL

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