The End My Dear, Is Near I Fear....

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
...the end of the riding season I mean BGRIN
I was out for a four hour ride on Wednesday as we're having some nice warm days alternating with some cooler days.
But each passing day is another day closer to winter so the end is indeed very near.
This morning dawned sunny, but at only 5C (41F). Much too cold for any early morning rides now, but by noon it's warm enough to get out on the road.
But my season is winding down after what seems like another very short summer. By the end of October I usually call it quits and one by one the bikes are put inside for the winter.
That's too early for most of my friends, but I like to take a ride before changing the oil and filters and clean the bikes up while it's relatively warm prior to the long hibernation :ice: :ohwell:
When you get into November you may get the occasional mild riding day, but for me it's not worth it and then to still have to service the bikes outside in my unheated garage when it's colder.
But it is what it is and it's the same thing every year - which is not to say that I have to like it BGRIN

All my riding this year was done locally. I didn't take any bike tours and probably will never take anymore since I don't have a travelling companion. I seemed to be so busy this year that I didn't even get to take any overnighters as I hoped to do.
There's always next year. but as I get older I have to wonder how many riding years I'll have left.
Knock on wood, I just had an extensive physical and everything checked out fine.
Good health certainly is a blessing at my age. I'm doing my best to keep it that way and I plan to still be riding into my eighties - which isn't all that far away :)
Rocky stick with what you can do, if you just attend your local ride outs that just fine for me, as long as you enjoy it that's the main thing
This should cheer you up
  • Len Vale-Onslow's life was frequently lived close to the edge. He rode his first motorcycle on the road in 1908 and had his final ride at the age of 102.
So don't worry about a thing you've got years left for riding around.
Now start planing for them ride outs for next year TUP:Champ:
I always wonder how you guys can handle such drastic swings in your seasons as you do

Millions enjoy winter sports and don't lament winter at all. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.
I hope we don't get as much snow this year as we did last winter.
But you can't do anything about the weather except cope with whatever comes.

This is the Thanksgiving long weekend in Canada and rain is expected for most of it, but the holiday Monday is forecasted to be mild so I'll get in some riding I hope.

My 2015 plans for overnighters will hold until next year. We have lots of great riding in this area so I'm hardly wanting.

My South American travelling companion often mentions going back there, but he has a very sick wife and can't get away so that's not going to happen.
I've been down that road and I know how rough that can be for both of them.
Warmer weather coming for next week, Rocky. I'm going out Monday with some friends for a few hours to enjoy some fall leave colours.
This time of year is definitely hit and miss for riding.
I usually wait to put my bike away until mid November, just in case we get a nice day around 15-18 Celcius, then I'll try to get a ride in.
Of course, if it snows earlier than that, the bike gets the oil changed and parked for the winter. No studded tires on the T'bird.
Oh and maybe keep the H***A for storing last as fuel injected bikes tend to run better in the cold than older carbed bikes
Qship, don't forget your camera if you're lucky enough to get out for a ride, autumn in Canada and all the colours is just stunning, but you don't need me to tell you that. Have a safe and enjoyable ride if you do get out.
Winter has come to Southeast Texas, it's a freezing 10C :ice:out there this morning. But not to worry, it will be a short season with a high today expected to hit 35C. :y54:

For us on the Fahrenheit scale. . . It's 51 this morning and will hit 95 this afternoon.

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